Scared to try - bad egg quality?


New member
We started trying over a year ago, and I got pregnant on the second cycle. Everything seemed normal but at the 12 week scan (Dec. 23rd, 2022) they said I likely had a trisomy, which was then confirmed after a CVS and genetic test. I had a d&c 2 a week later (Dec. 30th). In April 2023, I fell pregnant again, and at the 8 week scan, it was a blighted ovum. Both pregnancies, I had ovulated about 8-10 days late (cycle day 21-24). I took the summer to heal, started doing acupuncture, drinking teas, etc. I am now ovulating on time, (around day 14 or 15 of my cycle), but I'm desperately worried that I just have bad egg quality. I just turned 34.

We started trying last month, and I got a BFN. We want to try again this month, but I'm scared.

Is this bad egg quality? Should I try and see if I get pregnant again or should I try to go to a fertility clinic? Any advice? I'm doing my head in...
@renny562000 There’s really no way to know what your egg quality is like without doing IVF. With your time trying and losses it would be perfectly acceptable to go see an RE. They would be able to do some testing and explain your options based on your past experiences and the tests.
@renny562000 Great! I hope the RE can give you some good insight on next steps. Also just a gentle fyi, the term “unassisted” is preferred over “naturally” since there is nothing unnatural about fertility treatment.
@renny562000 One thing they can test for before IVF after multiple losses is a balanced translocation. They'll do karyotypes for you and your partner, as it could also be the sperm that are the issue.

The only treatment though would be IVF with PGT-A.
@andreea2017 Dumb question- do you see your obgyn first and then get a referral to an RE or is this something you can set up on your own? I just passed a year of TTC and only had one positive test the whole time that ended in a miscarriage in August, so I’m starting to explore finding an RE now.

I have my annual checkup next week, so I feel like I’m getting ahead of my skis, but at the same time, I just turned 35 and I’d like to address anything sooner rather than later!
@frncsca My gyne recommended one, but only because she was also seeing the same RE. It probably depends on your insurance, mine doesn’t cover anything so it didn’t matter for me.
@renny562000 Depending on how long your cycles are, there’s nothing wrong with ovulating on Day 21-24, nor is that terribly indicative of egg quality (although sometimes it can be).

A higher FSH can sometimes point towards poorer egg quality. But really, there’s no knowing until eggs are retrieved.
@renny562000 I’m about to be 34 and in the same boat. 2 losses, one MMC and then next blighted ovum. My OB says she doesn’t think it’s related and lightning struck the same place twice. I’m terrified to try again but will give it one more shot before going to the RE. We are NTNP for a few months anyway to take the internal pressure off me. The ovulation tests and DPO tracking is just too much after the second loss. 😞
@jung Thanks for your reply! I just ordered some ubiquinol. Is it your experience that you need to take it for three months to actually work? Can I start taking ti and continue trying?
@renny562000 Yes typical time frame is AT LEAST 3 months to work but AMH will only tell you about how many eggs you have left. Not the quality. Only way to tell is to do a frozen embryo transfer and send the embryos off for PGT testing.
@renny562000 Hi there. I’m wondering the same thing. One 2nd trimester miscarriage and 2 chemical pregnancies (I also ovulate very late and have a short luteal phase, despite having normal tests). Normal AMH, FSH, etc but I’ve been told these can’t tell quality of eggs. We won’t be pursuing IVF so I’m not sure we will ever really know.