Scared to try again but I want a baby so bad


New member
Okay so my husband (28) and I (27) have been married for a little over a year and have been together for a total of 12. In July, we found out that we were expecting without “trying”. We had plans of waiting until we owned a house. However, when we found out we grew super happy and began planning accordingly for what was about to be our new reality. We did cute announcements for our close family members and everyone was happy for us. The week of our one year anniversary, we found out that we were having a miscarriage. For the next 6 weeks, there were complications, doctors visits, and a lot of pain (mentally & physically). We were heartbroken and after it was all said and done, we buried our child.

Now, it’s been 4 months and we don’t own a home yet (and who knows when we will because cost of living has gone up so much), but we did both get wins in our careers. He just got a new job making a a slightly higher wage as a supervisor and I just got a 6% salary increase as a teacher. We are still paying down debt that I acquired during college to crawl out of the poverty background that I came from, while he basically has no debt and his car is almost paid off (middle-class background where parents saved up well for him). We have a little money in savings and money in bonds from our wedding and that his parents have also been saving since he was born.

I want a baby, we want a baby, eventually. But I don’t think he’s quite at the point of wanting to try again after watching everything I went through during the miscarriage and taking care of me through it all. We went to our therapist during the miscarriage to discuss how badly I wanted my baby and my husband agreed to try again in January but now it’s getting closer to time and I’m not sure if my husband view is still the same on it or if he just said it so I would focus on healing from the loss at that time. I want to start trying again because I’m worried that it may be harder to conceive but we also don’t have a house yet and who knows when we will with the state of the market… I don’t want to wait 2 years to try again and not be able to get pregnant right away. I think I may be to a point of ready to ttc again but am also not sure if I’m mentally prepared for another miscarriage. I’m nervous to bring it up with him but there’s never really the right time for the convo.
@isop777 Hi, just here to say you’re not alone. I recently suffered a miscarriage and moving back to WTT is hard, not to mention all the fear around trying again, knowing how painful this all is. Sending you love ❤️ there was actually someone else posting about wtt after a MC just the other day. There’s more of us here than most realize. I wonder if there’s a community for wtt after loss… if not, maybe there should be?
@xuyen Thank you, yes, we’ve connected. Unfortunately most conversation there is geared towards those who are actively TTC following a pregnancy loss.
@tamlamc I really appreciated your support on my own post earlier this week. I agree that maybe there should be a community for wtt after loss as it’s unique in many ways. There’s grief and uncertainty and also I think a deeper urgency?
@sheryllmacuno Hate that it’s brought us together but glad we have the chance to connect 💕 I know you understand. Yes to the grief and uncertainty and urgency and a million different emotions all rolled into one
@isop777 I'm in the same boat! Had a MMC earlier this year that took a long time to recover from. Now it's coming up on a year since and I'm still scared of jumping back into trying again.

I don't really have any advice. I constantly think the worst. What if it happens again? What if I can't get pregnant again? But I guess we also have to consider THE GOOD what ifs as well. What if we get pregnant right away? What if it goes perfectly? What if this time we get to leave the hospital with a healthy baby to take home?
And as far as talking to your husband, it may seem impersonal but I've always had success texting first to get the hard convos going. It gives everyone time to think about what they're saying and react in private. Just a casual text to him during the work day "Hey so January is coming up. Are you still okay with trying again?" would be all it takes to plant the seed for a deeper conversation later that evening.
@isop777 I’m so sorry for your loss. I am a grad but also experienced a loss early on. My recommendation is to really communicate and lean on each other in this time. Loss is hard and everyone deals with it in different ways. I understand the desperate need to be pregnant again after a loss and the fear that it might not happen again. If it’s any comfort, back to back losses are rare (~2%) and it’s likely that you will be able to successfully conceive again. I do recommend taking the time you both need to not only physically heal but mentally as well. Sending you love.
@isop777 Also sending love and support, OP. I experienced a loss after an unexpected pregnancy this year as well. While we weren’t trying and before I was fine with the wait, it just changes things and then there is also grief wrapped into everything as well. And with an early loss, at least in my case, I don’t think my husband has felt quite the sense of urgency or desire as I have. I am so sorry you’re experiencing this, but know you’re not alone ♥️
@isop777 First off, I wanted to say I'm very sorry for your loss. I haven't had a loss, but I know it must've been very hard for you and your husband to go through that. My biggest piece of advice would be just to discuss the approaching deadline. Voice to your husband your want to TTC again and open up the floor for him to discuss how he feels with the approaching timeline that y'all have set. I would urge you to be patient with your husband, and to be patient with yourself. This is a hard time, and I hope it all works out for y'all. ❤️