Safely co sleeping


New member
I just started co sleeping with my 7.5 month old. I have literally tried all sleep training none work and I have no support. She can easily roll back and forth and pick herself up. The issue we are having is that she moves closer to be next to me or my husband and I’m scared of us not knowing. We each use one pillow which we keep at the far end of the bed away from her and we wrap ourselves in thin blanket so no lose ends. I am very scared of sids but I need sleep. I get very frustrated when I’m tired.

I just bought this for my daughter:
@ligerheart25 so the lounger is a less safe option. Take a look at the resources on this subreddit here:
If you are nervous, I know some people who have great success with floor beds instead. You put your mattress and the baby mattress on the ground. Get your baby to sleep on their mattress and then you can retreat to your own. Lots more space for you that way.

Also, I've always kept my son on the outside, away from my husband, and in a c-curl around him. I do sometimes lay on my back or adjust but try to stay facing him.
@port41919 Seconding having her sleep on the outside. Put your bed against the wall and have her be between you and the wall. It’s easier to keep blankets and pillows away that way too. And just keep her in pjs no sacks or wraps and you’ll be ok! We’ve coslept that way since 2 weeks old!
@omnitude So happy to see another parent who started cosleeping early. We've been cosleeping since about that age too since my son basically will not sleep alone.
@ligerheart25 Those things from Amazon should NOT be advertising that they are a co sleeper. They are absolutely not studied or determined to be safe fot co sleeping. So many unknowing parents see that and think oh it says co sleeper so it must be safe and they absolutely are not safe for co sleeping and really not even for napping althou fully supervised napping would be okay for short periods.
@ligerheart25 The thing that you bought is more dangerous than the other things you describe.
They are not approved for sleep.
Many other options- she should be next to you not between you and your husband.

You rolling onto your baby is not a real concern. Moms are not a hazard in bed. Only your pillows and blankets.
@ligerheart25 Momma you need to get some rest. It’s not SIDS you should fear but rather suffocating. Keep the sheets on your bed nice and tight (we tightening them daily). Make sure baby is sleeping level with your breast and not the pillows. Google the C curl position and start training yourself to find comfort in that position. James McKenna and La Leche League Intl is where I find all my bed sharing resources.

Also the @heysleepybaby account in Instagram. She had a BedSharing highlight on her page that I wish I saw when we started be sharing at 2 weeks. I also reached out to friends and family who were parents and every single one of them bed shared at some point and were able to ease my anxiety.
@kingdomkings We had a sidecar bassinet but she’s too big for it now. She can almost stand up by herself. Her crib is right next to my bed but she hates being in it, she will wake up repeatedly.
@ligerheart25 Hi, I started bed sharing at 4.5mo with my son who’s now 6mo. What works for us since he isn’t crawling yet, once he crawls I’ll go to a floor bed, but what I do is I was able to remove his bassinet mattress and it is firm, and I have him sleep on that with a rolled receiving blanket under the side near me on top of my king size mattress, so he can’t roll into me. From there I use a pillow at my head which is above him and one between my knees and one behind my back for support. I curl my knees at the bottom of his feet and wear a long sleeve shirt I cut the chest out of for easy night feeds. I use a blanket tucked around me up to my hips. I also kicked my husband to the other room one he snores and two he is a very deep sleeper.

I would agree with others to rethink the lounger as if he turns his head into the side it could cause either suffocation or too much co2 being breathed in.

Hope you find what works for you.
@ligerheart25 We started co-sleeping around 7mo as that’s when my lo started teething and she was inconsolable in her playard which was next to the bed. While she has always been a good sleeper, she sleeps even better next to me.

I’m a light sleeper now that I have a lo, but my husband is not so much. She does sleep pressed up against me between us, but most of the time I’m curled around her in the C-shape and that keeps her from getting close to him.

She’s almost 13m now and I’m just now considering getting her to sleep in her own room.