RTF formula: is it really necessary for newborns


New member
Where I’m located, each 2 ounce feed using RTF would cost roughly $1.20. For a baby that feeds 8 times a day, I’d be looking at about $9-$10/day.

Some of my midwifery team suggests babies be on RTF for anywhere from 3 weeks to 12 weeks. That’s $310-$840 😵‍💫

My questions: Did y’all use RTF? If so, for how long? Would I be endangering my baby if I were to simply use boiled water and regular powder formula?
@aliemikeyj Same here. Took RTF to the hospital, used the remaining up and then never bought it again. My youngest has cows milk allergy and as far as I know, there's no RTF for it anyway
@aliemikeyj Even the hospital (German) didn't have RTF, they mixed it from powder. There was a designated "Milk Kitchen" next to the Newborn Unit/ NICU where obv somebody mixed all the needed formula for the day every morning...
@lewis5398 RTF is suggested because it's less likely to have bacteria. You can most definitely boil your water and get the same effect. Look into UK suggestions for formula prep, that will cover the safety concerns.

That being said, we loved RTF because we could keep them room temp in the bedroom all night, then just pop a nipple on and feed her without having to get up and prep a bottle.
@godtrust I didn’t think of this before and now hopefully I remember it! Our room is on the second floor and the thought of being sleep deprived, making multiple trips downstairs in the middle of the night, and maneuvering around cats who get under your feet - yeah, RTF sounds like a safer idea 1-2 times a night.
@nyguy86 We pre-made for the first few months and popped from fridge into the warmer however we went to RTF from about 6 months onwards when she wasn’t waking every night and it was just so easy to have a clean bottle and RTF to hand beside the bed incase she did wake and need a feed!
@nyguy86 I pre make the water filled bottles and fill a travel formula container to keep both on my bedside. Prevents the running downstairs. Most nights I never even leave my bed for feeding and changing :)
@nyguy86 I have a little table with a tiny cosmetic fridge on it next to the chair ee use at night.

Fridge can hold 4 prepared bottles or my pump parts and a bottle

My baby accepts a room temp or slightly colder bottle, we've never warmed a bottle for her to discourage her from developing the requirement
@wolfgang85 In the uk we have a Perfect Prep machine which I think is like our equivalent of the baby brezza? It doesn’t look quite as cool tbh but it’s the same idea. My house is the same, bedroom is up two flights of stairs so we keep ours in the bedroom for the night time feeds. I have a neighbour in the same type of house who has one in the kitchen and one in the bedroom though and I can totally understand why 😄
@lewis5398 We’re using some RTF for the first couple of weeks, mostly for ease (we’re combo feeding, so the cost won’t be a huge burden) but then will switch over to just batch prepping sterilized formula.

It’s pretty easy to sterilize powder formula, look into a kettle and the Dr. Browns pitcher!
@lewis5398 It's the powder itself that needs to be sterilized, because cronobacter can survive in a dry environment. It's rare, but healthy newborns can die of cronobacter infection. We are using RTF for that reason until our baby is 2mos.