Risk factors when you’ve already had a special needs child

Unexpectedly expecting at 41 (7 weeks today). My kiddos are 8 and 11 so it’s been awhile since I’ve been through this and I was under 35 at the time. I remember there being standard genetic testing, but I’m wondering what to expect this time around. My oldest has significant support needs (what they used to call low functioning on the autistic spectrum) and younger is developing typically. Anyone been in this boat? I’m very concerned about taking on a second child with significant special needs. TIA 🙏
@christiangirl2002 I’m 45 and 21 weeks with a 14 year old like your oldest. I opted for the NIPT which was fine and am seeing a MFM alongside my OB. It is nerve wracking to be sure. I wish I had advice for you but I am on the struggle bus myself. There are lots of studies saying lots of things but I haven’t found any that are any kind of conclusive
@christiangirl2002 I'm 40 (found out 2 days after my 40th birthday that we were expecting!) and my brother has Down syndrome. I had NIPT done (it took 3 tries to get a conclusive result, make sure they don't use a butterfly needle for the draw!) and also worked with MFM for ultrasound diagnostics. The genetic counselor also ordered a chromosomal analysis for me to see if I had the transposed 21st chromosome that may pass on since we aren't sure if my brother's Down Syndrome is mosaic or straight up 3 copies, he was never tested. Everything is fine so far, other than baby refusing to give a good image of her heart. My husband is autistic, so we know that there is a chance she may be as well, but as for chromosomal things, we were able to get all of the available tests.

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