Relactation Journey (2m Dry) Week 2: 300ml A DAY!


New member
So I posted my week 1 journey and backstory here:
So thought I'd do a follow up! Not taking any medication but am taking fenugreek, multivitamins and have made some lactation cookies/flapjacks (more to aid my calorie consumption than anything)!

Week 1 Daily Totals: Pumping every 3hrs (6am, 9am, 12pm, 3pm, 6pm, 9pm)

Day 1: 6ml

Day 2: 13ml

Day 3: 10.5ml

Day 4: 25ml

Day 5: 42.5ml

Day 6: 67ml

Day 7: 96ml

Week 2 Daily Totals: Added in MOTN Pump at 3am

Day 8: 124.5ml

Day 9: 167ml

Day 10: 191ml

Day 11: 245ml

Day 12: 276ml

Day 13: 303ml

Day 14: 327ml

Shocked to have seen an increase so quickly as I'd mentally prepped myself for this to take double the time I'd been dry for (due to advise/experience seen online). I've done so much research on relactation and applied so much time to this so I'm grateful to see an increase so quickly!

One tip I would share that I think has made a big difference is hand expressing before and after pumping, sometimes I can get another 10ml from this alone as the pumps don't always empty me!
@enilorac This is AWESOME!!! You are doing incredible work! It’s so amazing to see your daily total increase so quickly. I also understood relactation would take about double the amount of time dry - I’m glad this isn’t true (at least for you). :)
@godsgirl12 Yess! I definitely get way more output doing hand expressing too! At the start of week 1 I wouldn’t get anything in the pumps at all, only from hand expressing!
@enilorac Sorry if this is a dumb question but what is a MOTN pump? (I'm new here 😊)

I am really struggling to increase my production two weeks pp and would be so thrilled to be able to produce 300 ml a day!
@genarro46 No problem and no dumb questions! You’re right it’s middle of the night pump! Prolactin (the milk producing hormone) is highest between 1am and 3am from what I’ve read and I definitely get more milk output at that time!

Although I hate waking up at this time as my baby doesn’t wake in the night anymore!!

Let me know if I can a help you in anyway!!! You’re doing great.
@enilorac OP, do you have any resources about hand expressing? I’m an under supplier and struggling to increase my supply. I’m taking fenugreek and blessed thistle but I don’t notice an increase at all and I’m super discouraged.
@brigarcia Just a note about fenugreek - it's shown to help milk supply for some people and actually inhibit it for others. So if you don't see an obvious increase from fenugreek I'd stop taking it if I were you.

I took moringa supplements and while there's really no good evidence that they work, I saw a distinct increase after I started them and a decrease (which at that point was fine) when I stopped.
@alexander7791 I’ve heard fenugreek could take up two weeks to kick in. I’ve only been taking it for a few days and I’m hoping for the best. I might incorporate moringa into my routine because at this point I’m throwing spaghetti at the wall hoping it sticks!
@brigarcia Hi!

Here’s a decent example:

For increasing supply I’d also recommend power pumping:

Also do you pump in the night? This can also help as prolactin is highest?

Don’t be discouraged, studies have shown there are benefits from as little as 30ml a day of breast milk! Also loads of what you see online isn’t normal, people are pumping out 200ml each side… that’s not normal at all!

When I was previously at full supply I was an oversupplier! So I do think that is why it’s coming back quickly.
@enilorac Thank you! I started power pumping last night. My baby doesn’t sleep that much during the day so it’s challenging to find a whole hour to power pump. Doing it at night has worked.

I do pump at night - but I’m unable to pump after 1 am and before 5 am. I just sleep through the alarms!

Previously being an oversupplier may have accelerated your relactation journey. Either way, it takes a lot of time and dedication, so way to go!