Recently made friend bathed my child while looking after her (5 yr old)


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My partner (F) has made friends with another mother at school in the last year. (let's call her "J" ).
"J" has a boy and we have a 5yr old girl in the same class and the kids are friends, my wife is kind of friends with "J" although it seems it is always "J" that will be instigating all contact between mums and kids.
My little girl brought home COVID from school and it's worked it's way through our family, but because my daughter got it first she was able to return to school while we have been isolating. "J" offered to walk our daughter to school and back on 2 days, as she walks near our house anyway and we accepted.
"J" then said after the 1st day, if the daughter wanted to stay over and have dinner at her house. My wife said yes.
But when "J" dropped off our daughter, she said she had given her a bath.
My reaction was "What, a bath?!"
J's response was that it was her son's bath day so she put our daughter in there too.
I am uncomfortable with this and am not sure what to make of it, whether I am over reacting or whether I shouldn't let my daughter hang around with this boy or be unsupervised with "J" again.
What would you do?
@spiritualgrowth I would talk to your daughter about it. Young or not - was she comfortable with it? Does she want to go back? If you are uncomfortable with it just thank the lady (she prob thought she was helping u out) and ask her to skip it in the future.
@spiritualgrowth Eh, it's a little weird maybe. But you trusted her enough to take your child without you being present.

As others said, I would definitely talk your daughter. See how she felt about the bath. Make sure nothing sounds off about it. And just casually bring it up to J that your not comfortable with her bathing her.
@spiritualgrowth Im a mom and at age 5 and below I bathed my children with opposite gender siblings, cousins and god-siblings. After age 5 only with the same gender. However the difference is that these children were family and had a long standing relationship with my children. I can't imagine bathing someone else's children without permission, especially if they were only at my house for a few hours, and even my children's cousins and God siblings I made sure to know how their parents felt about it first and we always discussed when it would end (with my family the concensus is 5 years old or when curiosity started showing). I would be livid if someone I didn't know well did this.
@spiritualgrowth I am a parent and if I'm watching someone else's child I absolutely would not give them a bath without getting their parents consent first. Especially at an age where they are really in control of their own hygiene.

In saying that, there are situations where it would be different - when my daughter was toilet training and my friend was watching her while I had a doctors appointment she had a pretty big accident so my friend got her into the shower (on her own though) and I felt that was very reasonable.

I wouldn't cut off contact, I'd just let her know you've got some boundaries that she crossed. If she crosses them again then I'd absolutely reconsider any contact!

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