[re-post from r/beyondthebump] I competed in my first (super sprint) tri this weekend..


New member
LO is nearly 4 months old. This is my first athletic competition since he's been born, and my first tri ever. I had everything I needed laid out the night before. Our friend showed up to baby sit on time, we packed the car the next morning, and off we went!

After we arrived and discussed my pumping schedule (the plan was to pump right before and after the event), I realized that even though I remembered my manual pump and extra bottles, I had forgotten my cooler to store the milk in! DH said well at least you can pump to relieve your discomfort. Pump and dump for no good reason :(
We got small bags of ice from the medic tent and tried to think of how we could keep the bottles insulated during the race. It occurred to me we could just use the center console as a cooler. After digging through the car for anything else useful, DH found the puppy pee pads we left in the car for if/when my water broke. Now we had a liner for the console to contain the water!

It was a success! I was able to pump and store my milk, and that is the story of how my car's center console became an ice chest for a day :)

EDIT: formatting