[Rant/Need Advice] I bought an Onbuhimo that was advertised as BNIB off the Facebook B/S/T group, and it REEKS of cigarette smoke

Title pretty much says it all.

I bought an Onbuhimo off of the B/S/T facebook group (the one that is linked on the Happy Baby website, so it's not an off-shoot group, in case that is important) that was advertised as BNIB. I was initially very happy since it was in a colorway (Nova) that has been out of stock for a while. However, when it was delivered today, I could smell the cigarette smoke even before I unboxed the carrier. I am pretty peeved, as the seller didn't mention anything about it coming from a smoking home.

My questions are:
  • Is this carrier completely ruined, or is there a recommended way of laundering the carrier so that I can get the smoke smell out?
  • If not, should I even bother trying or just ask the seller for a refund? I payed via Paypal as if this were a transaction, not just a pay transfer between family or friends, so I'm assuming there is some manner of payment protection there.
  • Does this violate any rules of the Facebook group? Should I notify one of the admins?
  • Is there a polite way to communicate to the seller, "Hey, you might not have been aware of this, but the carrier stinks of cigarette smoke. In the future, you need to properly describe the items you are advertising, and disclosing that your items come from a smoking home is part of that."
What would you do in this situation?
@artofthecovenant You won't be able to wash them smell out. People who smoke will argue with you all day abiut that but you just won't. Ask for a refund and if they refuse get one through PayPal. Its not even safe to use let alone pleasant.
@artofthecovenant I would contact the seller first and see if they’ll let you return and refund it. If not, I would try and dispute it via PayPal. You can also try and contact the company and see if they have any tips for cleaning it. Good luck!
@artofthecovenant So I would contact the group admin and the seller to return it, but I will say they may not smoke. I received a brand new package of stuffed animals from the Disney store that reeked of cigarette smoke, it was so bad when I exchanged it (in store) the employee gave me the exchanged plushies plus a refund for the order. It’s possible a mail carrier that had it smoked, but either way I’d return it.
@artofthecovenant New studies have shown the objects coated in cigarette smoke to the point where they smell like it aren’t safe — it’s called third hand smoke and can give off the toxins found in cigarettes. so unfortunately this is no longer safe to use around a baby. There was good advice earlier about reaching out with the seller and disputing with PayPal if you must. Best wishes I hope this gets resolved for you!
@artofthecovenant Ugh I’m sorry you had that experience. I’d say they purposely omitted the info of it being a smoking home to still sell, thinking they would get away with it. I’d personally ask kindly for a refund, citing the smoke smell. If the seller refuses I would go ahead and ask PayPal about their purchase protection for buyers, see if it covers you (item not as described or something along those lines).
You might wanna give it a shot and take it to a good cleaners, but I don’t know how effective it can be and it’s gonna be more investment on your part.
@artofthecovenant Even if you could get the smell out would you really want it still? I’d start with contacting the seller and go from there. I have seen that Facebook group go hard on any seller who has been dodgy. I have even see the owners of happy baby chime in.
@artofthecovenant You can definitely wash the carrier! Just make sure you use a detergent that is free of optical brighteners (Seventh Generation, for example). HBC website says to wash on cold and lay flat to dry. I'm sorry that happened to you, sellers are definitely supposed to disclose pets and smoking in the listing! :( Maybe contact the seller and let them know there was a smell...you could ask to return or see if they would take it back if you wash it and the smell doesn't come out. If they aren't responsive, you can definitely report to Brad.
@kingback Also, if you stick it in a room with an air purifier after laundering, that will help too. We had a roommate for a while who quit smoking prior to moving in, but all of his stuff just reeked. We stuck an air purifier in his room, and between that and him obsessively cleaning his stuff (he was an incredibly thoughtful guy), we had the stench under control in just a few days.

ETA: This was supposed to be a reply to a comment below with the laundering advice. Not sure what’s up with the mobile app. Sorry.
@ewest It removes the particles from the air in that room, not the fabric that’s producing the smell. Stuff that’s contaminated with cigarette smoke will literally smell for years. Sticking it next to an air filter isn’t really any different than putting it by an open window. It’ll make the air around it smell cleaner while the window is open or the filter is on, but it’s not going to actually clean the fabric unless you do some thing to either chemically remove or change the molecules that are contaminating it. Something like an ozone generator can interact with cigarette residue to change the smell, but the products aren’t necessarily healthy either.

The comparison to AXE was referring to the scented plug in air purifiers, which just mask smells with new residues.
@je5usfre4k Like I said, this was meant to be a reply to the comment about washing it, which should take out most of the bad. The smoke can have a lingering effect, which the hepa filters help with.
@ewest It’s not gonna help protect the baby unless there’s always an industrial air filter actively going whenever and wherever the baby is worn. And a little single room purifier isn’t going to have any meaningful effect whatsoever given the proximity of the baby to the contaminated fabric. I get what you’re saying, but your suggestion would really only give a false sense of security without actually doing anything about the harmful chemicals the baby would be very close to.

If I spray my shirt with perfume, and then walk into a room with an air purifier, does it make it so I can’t smell my shirt? Does it make it that someone who hugs me can’t smell my perfume? No. Maybe someone across the room can’t smell it, maybe the room cleans out faster once I leave, but my shirt is still coated in perfume and I’m still breathing it.
@je5usfre4k Wash the ducking shirt. I said to wash the wrap. It’s fine. Everything is fine. My Reddit comment isn’t going to murder a baby’s lungs. I promise. It was a suggestion. Yeesh.
@ewest Your comment was to suggest a completely useless action.

And as someone who ended up with respiratory issues due to third hand smoke as a baby, I would argue that it is a very important thing to have accurate info about. Washing doesn’t take cigarette smoke out easily either, for the record.