PSA about Generic Pro-Total Comfort


New member
I was so frustrated that it was impossible to find the generic of Similac Pro-Total Comfort. It was showing up on the Perrigo website as generic under a number of store brands but you couldn’t buy it anywhere!

I emailed Perrigo’s customer service asking about it and got this response:

“We understand your frustration. Unfortunately, production of our Complete Comfort Premium Formula is currently on pause as we have prioritized production of infant formula due to shortages in the U.S. and Canada.

While we plan to manufacture this formula again in the future, we have not been given a release date at this time. You may also want to speak to your baby’s health care provider for suggestions on possible alternatives that meet your baby’s needs.

Sorry for the inconvenience.”

It’s since been removed from their website as well. Sucks they aren’t making it now. Baby was doing great on Similac Pro-Total Comfort but that price tag kills me, even with the savings checks. We’re trying out the generic Gentle Premium (Enfamil Neuropro Gentlease) and baby seems to be more uncomfortable and gassy. It’s only been two days on this new formula so we might try a few more days, or finish off the can. But I think we’re going to go back to Similac if things don’t improve.
@wildkyss Ugh that’s so annoying! I called perrigo about a month ago asking the same question and was told by a rep that they’re still making it but it’s so popular it gets sold out fast. I’ve been able to find the generic Walmart version (parents choice complete comfort premium) online a couple of times and order a case (comes in a pack of 4 29.8 oz cans for about $106). I last ordered a case 5 days ago. However, I’ve noticed that it’ll go out of stock within a day.