PSA - $7,984

@peatiron i’m so sorry to hear that. I’ve been there myself before and it’s awful.

Most hospitals are non for profits and legally have to pay some peoples bills for them due to this. Every hospital has a bill assistance department you can contact and they will put in an application for you (usually done over the phone) to either partially or fully cover your bills. It’s worth a shot. I’ve been approved and denied before for assistance from hospitals, but the times i was denied they setup a payment plan with me so i could pay it over time.

Planned parenthood removed my friends nexaplanon implant and put in a new one for free for her. (insertion usually costs $2-3k) They offer assistance with birth control and other health services based on need. They only charged me ($100) for a $750 abortion, and all i did was fill out a form stating my income, i didn’t even have to prove it with paystubs or anything

Please consider them as an option for getting birth control in the future!! Also nurx offers birth control pills for $40 for a 3 month supply and they ship it to you.
@katrina2017 Thank you so much! I will definitely apply. I make "too much" to qualify for Medicaid, so fingers crossed for me!

I did the same thing with Nexplanon before I had my daughter :) I just had pretty constant bleeding the whole 2+ years I had it, and after everything that happened with my IUD...

I'm scared of needing emergency services again due to birth control, I literally can't afford the risk of my bc trying to kill me. Even if that risk is low, I've had terrible luck with the bc I've tried so far. You never know if the nexplanon will imbed itself, I can't afford to get it cut out of me.

There is not a single birth control that doesn't risk sending me to the hospital, so I will stick with celibate unless I decide to have kids again. Or if my cycle ever decides to level out, I've never had a regular period..I guess I could go the condoms and tracking route if it does even out. When I tried the pill it made me crazy depressed and I have terrible PPD still so I have also decided sex isnt worth that risk either 😂😩
@katrina2017 To be clear, not all hospitals are nonprofits. And even the nonprofit ones have had sketchy histories with shuffling money. Just look at the current headlines about Kaiser, whose not even the worst. My local hospital chain was just ordered by the state to actually do some improvements and not shuffle money to the board.
@malchiel I’m not saying hospitals aren’t sketchy or a scam, i 100% agree they’re absolutely greedy and awful. i’m just stating that they’re non for profits and they have to pay some peoples bills in order to maintain that status so they do. And i’m sure they cut corners and lie and yadada, I don’t disagree. But i’ve known many impoverished people, including myself, that have had their bill covered due to the reason i listed. I wasn’t aware of any hospitals that weren’t non for profit so that’s my mistake, all the ones in the places i’ve lived have been. It’s important information to have, as they don’t offer to pay it you have to apply, and I wouldn’t have known if someone didn’t tell me. I’m not sure why you took me providing options to have this bill handled as me thinking hospitals don’t lie?

I looked it up and 25% of hospitals in the us are for profit, so you’re correct. I edited my original comment
@inthefootsteps314 My bills add up to 3.5k a month, about exactly as much as I make, and the state says it's too much for any assistance. Nearest pp is 150 miles away, I was bleeding through a tampon and pad and my pants in less than 30min by the time I decided it couldnt wait until Monday. I didnt realize something was wrong until the evening of Friday, the 9th day of my period, and I started bleeding like that around 10pm when I went to work. I put myself in a real sticky situation lol