New member
7 weeks ago I had my first born via c-section because he was large, posterior and I couldn't dialate past a 5 and he was in distress after 23 hours of trying to get more dialated. Anyways, that was traumatic on its own, then I tried to breastfeed in the hospital and he just wasn't getting enough colostrum so we supplemented, I breastfed 80% of the time, and formula for the remainder 20%. He still eats ever hour and a half to 2 hours if I breastfeed and only going 2 1/2 hours with formula.. My husband constantly pressures me to breastfeed, so does everyone else.. I don't like it. It still hurts to get him latched on, now I breastfeed probably 50-60% of the time.. I feel like it is good bonding for my son and I, but I don't want to do it anymore. I know it is good for his health and I'm very fortunate that I can breasfeed...I just feel so guilty every time I bottle feed. Has anyone else had this issue? Do I just push through it?