Preschool Problem -- Is it worth it?

@ballofconfusion I would look at age group for kids in daycare next school year. Like if most of them are close / same age, won’t be an issue. But if there are 5 under 2 and then your daughter being 3.5, it would be an issue
@ballofconfusion Stay put till you can do the full day, not-$2k-preschool. If you wanted her in a new environment with new kids and doing rule-following-stuff, use $100 a month you’re saving from that $2k preschool for dance or gymnastics or karate or something.
@ballofconfusion I teach special education K-2. Your kiddo is learning how to share, play with friends, not be first at everything all the time etc. She’ll be very well set up for TK! And she’ll learn how to be in a bigger group in TK! If she was going straight to kindergarten, I would probably still say stay at your daycare but since she’ll have that buffer of TK, there’s no need to put her in preschool!
@ballofconfusion She will be fine. Many kids start school having not gone to preschool or daycare. They can take some time to get acclimated with things like sharing and other tasks like hanging coats and backpacks on hooks, taking care of fastening pants after the bathroom. That sort of thing. Your kid is used to being around other kids and being in a routine.

My kids were in a family daycare situation. I did do the half day preschool the year before kindergarten and would go take them from school to daycare but my work schedule had allowed for that. I am certain they would have been perfectly fine had we not done it at all. I truly wouldn’t worry too much about it!
@ballofconfusion I think it depends on the kid. We should have moved our first out of the in-home daycare earlier than we did, because she was getting bored there and didn’t want to go. She was the oldest of the group by a long shot.

We kept her there awaiting a spot in a Universal PreK program, and she’s thriving in the new environment.

Do what works best for you and your family.
@ballofconfusion I left a wonderful home daycare at 3 years old with my daughter and put her in a private Pre-K, this wasn't my original plan but the lady thought she was going to have to shutdown due to her husband's cancer, so we pulled the trigger to allow her the freedom of guilt free choice. We have been with private Pre-K for a year now and the personal development and academic success has far out paced her remaining at the home daycare as an only or limited child. I choose to send her 4 days a week like daycare until September when she starts kindergarten prep preschool

My mom ran a home daycare and I didn't get Pre-K as a child. Academically I was fine but socially really far behind my classmates and I don't think I ever had the opportunity to recover, for a variety of reasons
@ballofconfusion I only moved mine from his home daycare bc he would be the oldest by far and she wouldn’t have as much time to work with him. The two who went to kindergarten this year were fine and stayed with her until school started- but because the kids were 2 and up, she had more time to work on their curriculum and incorporate the younger kids into it so he was learning a lot. Now she’s juggling 5 under 2 and we agreed there’s no way he would thrive there.
@ballofconfusion Different situation than yours but thought id add that for us we are doing the half day preschool because when we found a school we loved it seemed really obvious to us he was going to love it and get a lot out of it. It’s just a lot more than what his current at-home situation can offer and is therefore worth the cost to us. I think that if you had been really impressed and excited by a school then youd be putting your money towards that.

Ps My son’s class breaks the kids into groups of 6 :)
@ballofconfusion I vote to keep in daycare. If you feel that daycare isn't enriching enough, you can supplement at home. Take her to read alouds at the library, look into pre-k programs at museums, read books with her about all kinds of subjects. You can also look up phonics and math games for older toddlers and play those with her or she can play on her own on a toddler appropriate tablet.

At this age, kids love seasonal stuff. That's what a lot of preschools do to help children learn the calendar, seasons, and progression of time. Schedules are great, along with family calendars. Involve your child in season prep. Pumpkin painting at Halloween, winter decorating during December, planting flowers in the spring, making popsicles in the summer.

And another thing would be fine motor skills. If your daycare doesn't specifically teach fine motor skills, spend some time in the evenings/on weekends coloring, painting, doing crafts, and maybe get one of those old shoelace boards.

Finally, developmentally-appropriate chores are a good thing to add for 3 year olds. Help set and clear the table. Give them a little microfiber cloth and they can "dust". Teach her to help wipe up her spills. She should also be cleaning up her toys when playtime is over. If she can carry something and walk at the same time, she can put stuff away. That will be a big help in kinder.

Edit to add: If your daycare doesn't do this please teach your child to put their jacket/coat, hat, and gloves/mittens on THEMSELF. This is a HUGE help to your child in kinder!
@ballofconfusion Aside from one month of pre-school (more like day care, honestly, it was very free range play centered), my son did not go. He's a top student and socially healthy as well. A little shy, but nothing abnormal.

I, too, did not go to preschool and was a good student and I'm decently successful now.

I don't think it's detrimental, I think your child will be fine. If you want more socialization, maybe do some library activities or other activities on the weekends. My kids had kids church on Sundays and that helped a ton.
@ballofconfusion Never even gave preschool a passing thought - as a working mom there was no way to make half days work for us. Frankly I worked with him at home and we had a great small-ratio home. He went to kindergarten knowing everything preschool kids did (and more!)
@ballofconfusion I never went to preschool and I’m a functioning adult ( allegedly). Actually as a child I was advanced academically. Socially, I was more shy, but who knows if that would have been altered by preschool. I have a graduate degree and lots of friends now!
@raywood Yeah. Growing up I had preschool at 4, kindergarten at 5, and then went straight through to my masters degree. That was a lot of education! School at 3 feels too young!
@ballofconfusion We did the same exact thing and she’ll start TK in the fall! I have zero worries and I think the less transitions will be easier for her. She knows her numbers, letters, and is learning how to write her name right now. From my understanding TK will do a lot of this too.