Preschool Graduation at 9:30am

@searchingforchrist My fifth grade daughter forgot to tell everyone about her moving up ceremony on Thursday morning. We all found out yesterday. I love 6 hours away, have a 2 week old newborn, sand her step dad has court the same morning (police officer). Had she told us in advance, we would have been able to go, now neither of her parents can go. But, she doesn't think it's a big deal......
@searchingforchrist Record a video message for your class(es) explaining why you aren’t there but with parting words for the summer. Call out sick or be upfront with admin. And send them the video clip for the sub to play for the class. The class gets closure. You get to go to the graduation. Everyone’s happy.
@katrina2017 Y’all. She’s a TEACHER. Her students will have so many freaking teachers in their lifetime. It’s NOT a big deal. Why do we act like teachers are the soul caregiver for thei students and responsible for all these care tasks and love? She teaches academic material. The students will be fine.
@lucan I’m basing this off of her other comments with concerns about not being there for her students. It’s more for her. Not them. I’ve worked in education for 15 years. I know the kids can get through a hell of a lot (and honestly could give a flying fuck most of the time). This is to make OP feel like she’s done what she needs to do to feel good based on what she said. Jfc calm down.
@searchingforchrist If this makes you feel any better, I didn’t realize my kid had a graduation for Pre-k and I am out of town the day of her graduation. Just learned that yesterday. I’ll be putting together a big gift basket for her since now I feel like a horrible parent that I won’t be there.
@searchingforchrist I just quit my job 2 months ago to focus on my family and these situations were deciding factors. One of the girls moms he’s gone to school with since birth and I had a system where we switched off for school stuff and sent videos. But they are going to first grade. They won’t be in the same class forever.

It’s almost impossible to be at the things and work. I grew up in the 90s and I swear most of this stuff was in the evenings.
@searchingforchrist My kids go to a private school and said school schedules everything in the middle of the day. How does the school think parents pay for tuition??? If working parents were to attend all school functions then the parents would need to take time off weekly for the entire school year. It baffles me.
@searchingforchrist You could go to an urgent care to get a note. Expensive, I know. Little one will be upset, but neither one of my kids even remember that they had a preschool graduation. I remember, I had to take off work, it was very hot and buggy and lasted about 1)2 hr. Maybe friend could substitute?
@searchingforchrist I don't have kids, but from what I've seen, little kids don't ruminate about things. They'll cry for 5 minutes if they don't see the teacher for the last time, and then on to the next situation.