Pregnant ~3 weeks after U.P. sex? - Kyleena IUD


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UPDATE: I did in fact end up getting my period!! For anyone else who finds themselves in a similar position as me! Happy sex-ing with your IUDs lmaoo

Hi all, so I am a little stressed but also trying to stay calm knowing IUDs are highly effective.

To back up, I last had my period the first week of December. In the beginning of January, I saw my boyfriend and had unprotected sex. Now, it has only been just under 3 weeks since the first time I had unprotected sex when seeing him, if I were to have gotten pregnant that very first time. For the other times we had sex, it's only been ~2 weeks. I still haven't gotten my period, so I'm coming up on 7 weeks w/o it. My period has been fairly regular and usually comes by now. I've had my IUD for 9 months and am just unsure as to whether this is an early sign of pregnancy (I don't have any other signs of being pregnant other than being nauseous 3 mornings ago) or if my period is just being weird because of the stress of traveling or hormones lessening/stopping it entirely.

If anyone has had a pregnancy scare with Kyleena and has any reassurance, it would be greatly appreciated. I know I should go buy a test and be done with it, but I'm a little strapped for cash right now and don't want to spend the $ until I am absolutely sure (pregnancy symptoms pop up and are obvious). I just want to hear others' experiences to help quell my anxiety until my period shows up or symptoms become more obvious and I then take a test. Thanks!
@setmefree7474 I stopped having my period completely with Kyleena if that puts your mind at ease. I have also only used Kyleena as prevention for the past 4 years.

If you are one to worry, you should get a test to set your mind at ease. Otherwise your mind is always going to wonder. Maybe ask the bf to split it halfway since he contributed to the unprotected sex? Or confide in a close friend who you can pay back.

Deep breaths it is very unlikely you are pregnant. Hope this helps.
@allisond07 Thank you so much, it does put me at ease. I definitely know my boyfriend would buy the test for me or the cheap amazon ones, I just go back and forth between being like "its only been like 3 weeks, you're fine" to "shit still haven't had my period." I think if I go another 2 weeks without my period I will definitely test and find out definitively. Thanks again!
@setmefree7474 You could also be someone like me who ends up not having periods at all with your IUD! I have the same one and was blessed to be period free the whole time lol. The IUD is 99% effective! If you are still worried definitely get the test to put your mind at ease :)
@setmefree7474 I’ve had my iud for a while, and some months my period is on schedule, and some has skipped a month. I freaked out the first time it happened, but just think- the iud does so many things to prevent a baby. Also maybe self check your strings!! Best of luck!!
@ccoburn Thank you! I checked my strings today and they feel normal. I also had gotten an ultrasound done late November because I was having worse cramps than before my period so it seems like it is still in position. Do you take tests when your period skips a month or just trust that it is working?
@setmefree7474 I'm in this current situation my boyfriend and i had sex beginning of Jan. and my periods have been regular since kyleena placement in June. Iv had 2 scares so far and taken tests both times both negative. but i cant feel my strings either so i am making an appointment to double check. Iv never had issues with Mirena but the Kyleena every month makes me nervous. Iv had discomfort in the last few weeks and it seriously felt like the Kyleena was shifting so last night i felt for strings and nothing was there but no other symptoms of IUD dislodging. i called OBGYN and said i cant feel my strings and they wasted no time with squeezing me in to be seen asap. Makes me think they already know whats going on. As long as im not pregnant i would get it replaced with the mirena and never use the Kyleena again.
@savedrebel I'm so sorry that's happening! I can feel my strings just fine and had an ultrasound 2 months ago that showed it was in right place because my strings had felt longer than normal. I am hoping mine is just a scare too, I am starting to get period cramps today and hoping that means my period is coming so I can relax lol. I am debating once my 5 years are up if I want to switch to Mirena next time instead, this is just my first time being on BC and so I wanted to start with lower hormones first. I hope your situation gets better!! Do what's best for you always
@setmefree7474 I’ve been feeling like I was about to have my period I’ve had crayons my breasts would get tender and then the symptoms would go away I even had as far as extreme cramps and constantly having to run to the bathroom all in hopes that I was about to start but definitely hurt haven’t as of today. I did take a pregnancy test this morning again and there was nothing it’s negative so I made an appointment on Wednesday just to make sure it hasn’t shifted if it has I’m gonna ask for removal and replace with the mirena I’ve just had way better luck with it and never felt this anxious