Pregnancy years after a C-section? Has anybody got any stories or info for me ?


New member
I had an emergency c-section 4, coming up in December 5 years ago. I was 19 and it was my first pregnancy , I had an ECV to try and turn the baby and days later I started bleeding heavily and was booked in for a emergency C-section 7 hours later. I was never told why I was bleeding but baby’s heart rate was fine, I should have asked but I was to panicked as I didn’t want a C-section in the first place. It’s been 4 , about to be 5 years and I am still terrified to get pregnant. I don’t want a normal birth as my scar makes me nauseous so any pain around it or the thought of it splitting open it horrendous and another C-section could be risky and I don’t like the sounds of risking my life and leaving my 4 year old son it’s just not an option, so hoping some people have some good story’s to help me decide. Even if it’s not a good story I just want the truth is this a bad idea to get pregnant again.
@christobul I was told that as long as you wait 2 years between pregnancies there is no significant increased risk with a second c section. I know plenty of women that have had multiple c sections. I had my first a month ago and I intend to have another in a couple of years.