Pregnancy pillows are overrated


New member
Every time I mention to someone that I’m not sleeping well, their response is always “dO YoU HaVe a PreGNancY PiLloW?”

Yes, I do and honestly it’s not a magical pillow that is going to put me straight to sleep. I almost want to throw it off my bed at this point.
@desertfrank Same. I love my pillow but I can't sleep without my over the counter unisome. Dr said that's the best she can recommend for my sleep. Does a decent job. I can even wake up to pee the customary 3 times a night and go right back to sleep every time. But it doesn't work for everyone. Did nothing for my husband.
@2bleweyes I do take unisom! I was taking it to help combat my morning sickness, but now I def need it to sleep. It helps me fall asleep quickly, but up after about 4 hours of consistent sleep to pee every 30 mins and trying to get comfortable
@hoop Dang. Like I said, does nothing for my husband. He's a very light sleeper to begin with though. :( I hope you find something that works for you.
@hoop Oof, I feel this. I say my pelvis hurts in bed, they say have you tried a pillow inbetween your legs? Yes, only every single night for about four months... Nothing works! I've tried a pregnancy pillow, lying with a wedge pillow, elevated.. I'm 37 weeks and have just accepted that nothing is going to help until this baby arrives, haha!
@olyvic If it makes you feel better.. all of my hip and pelvic pain went away instantly after giving birth to my first daughter. It's way fricken worse in this second pregnancy and that's the only thing I have to look forward to.

Hang in there! You're so close!
@mattb2jp This is so encouraging. I'm almost starting to feel like this is just my life now - constant hip and pelvic pain, with bits of sciatica sprinkled in.
@olyvic I know you’re near the end but I was dying of pelvic pain at the end of my pregnancy. Nothing helped.

I did these pelvic pain exercises by Bridget Teyler on YouTube and in a span of two days, the pain was almost gone. I went from being unable to get out of bed to being able to walk at least half a mile.