Pregnancy bloat, please someone help, isn’t there anything I can do beside all the “basic” advice because none of that is working


New member
8 weeks pregnant and I am having bloat so bad that I can’t even function. All I can do is roll around in bed and groan, I’ve had to go home twice from work because it’s so debilitating for me. I can’t think or focus on anything else, it’s so overwhelming. My belly is so tight I feel like my insides are bursting.

Everything I find on the internet are things I’m already doing, none of it is helping!!!! I’m eating meals that are probably 1/4 the size of what I would normally eat. I’m drinking a ton of water I’m constantly peeing clear. No beans, no lentils, no cauliflower or broccoli, ect. I’m eating enough fiber in my diet I am having a BM 1-2 times a day and no constipation what so ever. I’m taking a probiotic daily. I walk on the treadmill to get exercise. I’ve tried treadmill walking during the horrible bloat episodes and it doesn’t seem to help at all. I’ve tried taking gas x (simethicone) 125mg x 2 capsules and it really doesn’t do anything. Or atleast nothing in a 6 hour period. Several times I am starving but don’t want to eat anything because I’m already so bloated I hurt so bad. The bloat sometimes happens an hour after I eat my 1/4 of a meal, sometimes it’s like 8 hours later. For example I ate a small meal at 6pm, after that I only drank fluids, now here I am 3am rolling around in bed in agony. I feel like Violet from Charlie and the chocolate factory. It doesn’t seem to correlate with any certain foods, if I get bloat I intentionally don’t eat the same food because I feel so terrible I don’t want it to happen again. So next time I eat something different and it still happens. I don’t know how to get relief.
@pastorjerryphd Unfortunately it's the first trimester hormones, there's nothing you can really do about it. I have never been so gassy in my life as I was then.

You're at the worst bit as HCG peaks around 9 weeks, so you should start to feel some improvements soon.

All you can do is try to make yourself comfortable, get maternity clothes etc. My bloat belly was bigger than my 16 week baby belly.
@pastorjerryphd This sounds terrible :(

Im sure you’ve already heard this but have you tried a really warm /hot shower ? I’ve had a few really bad episodes that kept me up a lot of the night until all I could do was get in the shower and hope the warmth/steam would help. It did a little.

Ask your doc about Advil too. I know Dr Google says it’s not safe but I also see some studies that say it may be safe up until 20 weeks of pregnancy.

First trimester sucks so bad. I don’t think a day went by where I didn’t seriously consider terminating the pregnancy because of how bad everything was. It’s still rough but not near as hellish now at 18 weeks.

Hugs mama. Hang in there ❤️.