Pregnancy and vitamin D


New member
I'm 20 weeks pregnant. Im starting doing light therapy again (doesn't produce any vitamin D) and also taking a liquid vitamin d supplement. Im having a hard time leaving the house and getting natural sunlight. I usually get out of the house at nighttime to some exercise but im pretty much a vampire. Any concerns to the fetus with just supplement instead of getting natural sunlight or does it not matter the way that I get vitamin d as long as I get it?
@upthewrongtree Anyone living above a certain parallel in North America for example just can not get enough sunlight or food provided vitamin d. It’s just impossible.

Supplements are fine. It’s more important to get the vitamin d for baby and you than the source only being sunlight.
@lozzymagoo They share evidence that supplementing with synthetic vitamin D is harmful. In the very least you'll learn it's controversial. Like so many other medical tests, the tests aren't useful in a practical way, and if you need more sunlight, you should get it from the sun. There's also lots of related info, like how you need to get sunlight into your eyes in order to get the most benefits from the sun (not looking at the sun but just not wearing sunglasses essentially). Among other things it helps your body to receive the correct information to not burn in the sun.