@pentzbar000 Just top hits from just turned 2yo from the last week or so:
- he goes “bloody hell” or “stupid council” whenever we hit a pothole in the road
- went to the zoo for his birthday and I asked him what he thought the elephant was called. He turned and very seriously said “Albert” like he was a priest doing a christening. We know no one called Albert and it’s not in any books or TV shows. Who is Albert?!
- he choose to go for a “pub dinner” for his birthday (he went for a few in the summer whilst on holiday). When we arrived he walked in and squeaked “pub dinner” with happy stamping feet and it was just pure joy from him.
- we have taught him to do when he really likes a certain food. He does “add a little bit of spice” when we season food. He has learnt “good soup” and the “I feel like chicken tonight” song. Hilarious.
- the first time he sang a song was in the supermarket till queue. He just started singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star out the blue. Complete with actions and did a little half bow when an old lady said she liked his singing.