Please someone help me with my vomiting infant (advice??)


New member
Until my Dr office opens sinceIK you all aren't medical professionals,
I please need advice or help if anyone has any idea
For my 8 month old

Backstory of health for info:

My 8 month old was due May 9 2023, she was born April 11 2023, 36 weeks on the dot. She was in NICU for a month for low weight (4'pds) feeding issues/poor feeding and a severely distended stomach. She was in an incubator for a week or so then a bed with heat to help regulate body temp, then normal crib. She stayed for a month because her stomach was very distended, it took 3 days for her to have her first BM of the meconium (black tar like poop), and she was tube fed. Then she'd have a BM, go on the bottle, get backed up, go back to the tube feeding. Over and over. They tested for hirschsprung's disease with a biopsy, and that came back negative. They put dye in her system and noticed it did take a few days longer than usual for her body to expel of it completely. At the 2 week point they started doing irrigations.(enemas basically) to help her have BMs. The issue was that her GI tract wasn't getting the "waste" down fast enough for her to explel it, causing the distended stomach. At the end of the 1 month mark, when I went to visit, her stomach looked horrible suddenly, but the nurse assured me it was fine. I asked for a call from the DR after rounds. I received a call that she had not had a bowel movement in SIXTY HOURS STRAIGHT and that they were going to get surgery back in as well as another doctor to decide on surgery or what. The next day I get a call saying "oh she had 6 bowel movements! So she can probably be discharged tomorrow". Which she was. Which made no sense to go from surgery to you can take her home all within. 48 hour span. Which I made clear of my discomfort in discharging her but they said the X-rays etc showed everything was okay. Since then, she's been on Elecare formula, she's been doing great and her stomach is no longer distended. She plays, laughs, just has a ball.

Now here is the problem I need any possible advice on (and yes, I am calling her pediatrician soon as they open)

She was suppose to start jar food around 6/7 months, and no matter what I have tried, she refuses it,. Spits it back out, etc. I have talked to her pediatrician who said to just keep trying, eventually she will start to adapt. Could be the texture, new taste, anything. Good and dandy, so she's been mostly drinking her Elecare.

This formula is for babies with GI issues, it has the cow protein already broken down(100%free amino acids) so their GI tract doesn't have to go into over time trying to break it down. Has been working great!

Now suddenly,. about 2.5 weeks ago or so, I decided to try giving her some rice cereal, since it has to be mixed with formula/breast milk, and see if she would eat that since the flavor is familiar. She had a little bit, but that was about it. Then that night, out of no where, she starts throwing up. Non stop, basically every 30 min to an hour . The texture is between liquid and sometimes more thick like mucus almost. She threw up all night, all over herself and me, and only fell asleep an hour here and there from exhaustion. Then would randomly wake up and throw up. I had her in my arms with a towel on my chest. I figure maybe it's from the rice cereal. She threw up once more that morning, within 2 minutes of finishing her morning bottle, then everything went back to normal.

Then a week later, the same happens, though she's been on just formula at this point. All day shes1 fine, night time comes, lying down for bed and suddenly vomit everywhere every 30 min or so, all over her, blankets, etc. non stop until the morning, then back to normal.

That time though, I did notice before she threw up her morning bottle, she hiccuped a few times.. I pressed her stomach lightly and she burped a few times. Then after a few minutes threw up.

Last night it happened again. No issues all day.
Not once has she had a fever or any other symptoms when this has happened (except she is teething if that counts for anything). Bed time, she suddenly throws up everywhere. She's before these incidents she had never even spit up before. So she's covered in sticky clear throw up, I clean her up, and I spent all night doing the same rinse and repeat. The first time she threw up, like the others, she'd cry like she was in pain and cry until she exhausted herself and passed out. Then would wake up throughout the night to throw up.

This morning she had been asleep for 4 hours straight without throwing up, I handed her to her dad, she instantly threw up on his arm and towel. When I got back home and hour later, she threw up on him again after getting 30 min of sleep. I cleaned her up and brought her to the rocking chair. She threw up again and started crying. I made a small bottle to see if it was hunger pains. She drank a few sips then stopped.. buried her head into me n kept whining until she threw up twice more, then finally passed out and has been for an hour.

Her dad wants me to take her to the ER, his sister thinks it may be acid reflux, or that maybe now she's sensitive and needs soy, and I want to call her pediatrician since she just saw her mid November and knows her health more intimately than a random ER DR who might make her go through unnecessary tests. I am about to get her to call me back at a top priority, and follow her advice.

In the mean time, has anyone went through anything similar, have any ideas of what it could be, or can offer some help/peace of mind.

  1. Yes-IK y'all aren't medical professionals which is why I am calling one
  2. Please remember she is on Elecare which is an 100% free amino acid formula meaning the cow proteins are already broken down for easy digestion
  3. This is random, has only happened at night time with no other symptoms, fevers, or warnings beforehand.
    Only "symptom" is possible dehydration from the constant vomiting, diaper dry all night, have been trying to give her small amounts of water since I don't have access to an ORS this early.
Thank you all for any help you may have.
@kimber1764 I’m sorry I’m not a medical professional, but I feel like this would absolutely warrant an ER trip of she’s this dehydrated. She’s sounds very ill and miserable and the ER can do tests today, give medication immediately, and try to help her faster than a pediatrician can..
@kimber1764 I’m sorry you’re going through that. It must be so scary. I work in pediatrics and it definitely sounds like something GI related, whether that’s allergies, reflux or something else entirely. If she has another vomiting episode, I would bring her into your emergency department.