Plain given up on dating, but I don't feel too bad about it

@redruthie7889 Have fun on your trip! I can't wait to take my first vacation with my kids. Before my ex and I split convincing him of a family trip was like eating a bowl of nails for breakfast. I'm planning for a cruise next year with my kids and grandma.
@disciple2011 Same 28f 1 kid w/100% custody. I just recently got back on the apps after 1yr purge.. I feel like everyone on there just wants one thing and I’m not about to pay a sitter $25hr to be coming home disappointed.
@priyarawat How’s that working out for you?

Laughing at my “bullshit cause.” Seems like that phrase would better apply to the designers of the apps and the users of the apps.

If the measurement of success was “they help people find real partners,” the apps wouldn’t continue to make money. I’m sure you’ve reviewed the code, and understand that.

Look how angry you’ve responded - clearly the marketing and social brainwashing has affected judgment.

If I said “VW engineers purposefully built code into their cars to dupe the public about emissions,” you’d thank me and not buy a VW.

If I say, “dating app engineers build code and design algorithms to fool you and keep you hooked,” I get a blowback.

I have worked and hired with app developers that worked for dating apps - you have no idea how horrible they are.

This is an experiment- and these sorts of responses to measured data prove how insidious they are.
@disciple2011 30 m with 2 kids, I've also given up on dating recently but mainly bc it freaking sucks and I don't seem to vibe with anyone I meet. I'd love to no longer do this life alone but I'm wasting too much energy trying to get there. Single has worked well for me last 5 years, time I just embrace that
@daisies24 I have to. There's no choice in the matter. Their futures are at stake. After I found out how my ex wife was cheating with at least 7 men for years and told her we were done, she flipped her lid. She started drugging the twin toddlers with unisom sleeping pills. Refused to care for one of them that has medical issues (feeding tube etc) Taking them along for hook ups with unknown men. She left the toddlers with a guy she had just met over night so she could go to work uet her dad would have kept them or she could have told me. The dude had 2 outstanding warrants for arrest.
Literally Hates our older 2 kids. ( hasn't talked to them since she moved out.) She even told on herself to cps when they got involved and boasted that she is in the medical profession and knows what she's doing with the drugs. I had to file an emergency custody order . Finally was able to get a child support order after a year of zero help. I only have one person who will babysit for me so I can work. I have no opportunity to do anything else.
@disciple2011 I'm in similar boat 41m been single 3 years now with primary custody 90% of the time. I log in on tinder bumble and fb dating and send likes every once in a while but don't even know what to do when I do get a match and most convos r very short lived so I don't even see a point in trying