Plain given up on dating, but I don't feel too bad about it

@disciple2011 Well she didn't see them first 2 years she was gone at all and she saw them for 1 week at Christmas and 2 weeks this summer so % might not be accurate lol but ya I have had mine majority of the time as well
@disciple2011 I gave up too, it’s the most liberating thing you can do. There’s nothing better than doing what you whenever you want and focusing all of your energy on doing things for yourself and your boys!
@disciple2011 I have up dating as well. The two years of being single I went on one date. I can't get pass the talking phase. I'm hoping one day I meet someone organically. But I'm a single mom to three and I'm not sure if anyone is even out there for me.
@disciple2011 I have also given up on dating. I’m 20 with one child but I don’t feel like it. I’ve never been on a proper date before, I guess. Also don’t think any guy my age is willing to be tied down with someone like me anyway.
@disciple2011 28F with full custody. Dad is MIA. I haven’t been on dating apps in around 6 years. Not surprised, but disappointed that most men still practically beg for sex. SMH
@disciple2011 49 and gave up 7 years ago. Not gonna lie, lonely but don’t even know how to go about it or what it’s like anymore. I’m almost an empty nester so might as well just wait. In fact I’ve pretty much just given up all together with ever thinking I’d find someone. But being a single Parent now for 16 years has been exhausting in more ways then one!
@disciple2011 I try to be content with my life and focus on myself and mostly my kiddo, yet I’m debating on downloading a dating app. I’d like a relationship but I don’t know that now is the best time (I don’t feel that I have much to offer someone else right now). Plus, it seems like there’s a lot of not so kind men weed through to find someone worth it based on the posts I’ve seen in here and elsewhere.
@disciple2011 Since my split, I've fielded a lot of questions about my dating future, and I find it crazy how people seem to think it's so easy starting a relationship when you have kids! Every time I think about it, I struggle to visualize how I'd manage a relationship and give it a fair amount of attention. At that point, the thought of staying single forever feels pretty reasonable!
@disciple2011 Girl I totally understand. My fear is that the guy is actually secretly a paedo coming to target my kids (it happens). Im so protective I can’t even allow myself to date
@disciple2011 Same. I really just checked out. After dealing with 2 teens and an occasionally annoying ex-husband on top of work and studying, I don't really have the emotional or mental bandwidth for another person.

I was considering a FWB situation, but I'll mostly fall asleep on them. To be perfectly honest , I can't wait until I'm done with school and the CPA exam so I can pick up my old hobbies again.
@disciple2011 40 and single for 6 years and I’m also done.
Single mum of one and I just prefer his company or my own at the moment.
Tired it the bullshit excuses peddled out, I’d rather just not engage and do my own thing.

Edit: spelling