Period that’s lasted for 3+ months


New member
Long story short- I’ve struggled with BC since I couldn’t get what BC worked well for me anymore back in 2021 … my Dr put me on a sample of nextstellis and I started cramping so bad to where I couldn’t move and passing almost lemon sized blood clots. I took myself off cold turkey and have said I wasn’t getting back on BC because of feeling horrible and weight reasons. I went from November 2022-to August 2023 without a period. August 2023-Oct 23 I had a normal period. Then Nov 2023 until January 2024 without a period . My Jan period was 3 weeks but just thought it was bc I went so long without a period. But when my Feb 2024 period came, it hasn’t stopped since. It began as a very dark color brown and has slowly brightened through its course. It’s not enough to a daily basis to wear a tampon so I just either wear nothing or a pad/ or liner. Theres sometimes blood on the liner but not always but there’s almost always blood when I wipe. Some days it’s heavier and I have to wear something to be safe and will pass smaller clots that are normal sized but now my blood is BRIGHT red now and sometimes a deep, but bright red color. I don’t have cramps but some days I have a short span of cramps but it’s nothing compared to when I was on nextstellis.

I have an appt in July for a yearly check up but I haven’t had a yearly appt since like 2 years ago due to not having insurance and my dr won’t see me for a problem visit unless I have an updated yearly appt. Should this be something I should be worried about it possibility being another health condition (tumor, cancer, cysts etc) or Is there anything I can do to stop the bleeding without getting on birth control because it’s just annoying at this point. Or is this normal part of the process of coming off of BC?
@reathaagsley No that is not normal. Also missing natural periods for long times can increase the risk of endometrial hyperplasia which is basically a precancerous situation (not cancer but can develop into one). I’m not saying that’s happened to you but I would definitely see a doctor and have them check it out. They can also help you with the nonstop bleeding.

And before anyone else gets worried: the risk of endometrial hyperplasia when missing periods does not concern people on hormonal BC. BC takes care of that endometrial lining and it can’t grow.