Packing lunch for your kids


New member
Hey guys, so I wanted to know what kind of lunches you pack for school, especially for little ones. My kid is in pre-K, and I'm running out of ideas for what to pack him for lunch. I bought one of those lunch boxes with a thermos, and I pack some spaghetti for him every once in a while, along with a rotating ham and cheese sandwich and fruit snacks ect. The school offers a hot lunch, but it's $7 a pop and not very lactose-friendly. My kid is a bit sensitive to milk, so mac and cheese or quesadillas are off the table unless we're home. Also, my kid's school is nut-free, so no PB&J. So, input, fellas, what are some options?
@grinandbearit Sunbutter is the go-to alternative to peanut butter, so SB&J works just fine for nut-free situations. Around here they sell these little lunchbox sized apples, and if your kid can peel an orange, those little tangerines are always good. Grape tomatoes and carrot sticks are also useful.

But yea, the basic formula is a half sandwich, a cheese stick (which you'd not want), a fruit, and a veg. Sometimes a cracker or something as well.