Outcome of poll: Going dark 6/12-14 only


New member
The results of the poll were:

No change: 193

48 hour darkness: 392

Indefinite darkness: 425

In light of the majority preferring some darkness by ~4:1 and the community's concern for those who rely on /r/daddit as a place of support and assistance, we will shut down daddit for 48 hours only in solidarity with those impacted by Reddit's API changes.

For the black-out period, here are some other resources to help get you by.

https://dadchat.info - New dad forum started by /@vman10 in fear of greater impacts to /r/daddit

www.daddyoops.com - Dad blog with attached forum by /@mlbtruth

https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/the-best-messes - The Best Messes is a podcast by a mom and dad parenting team.

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsyUVM5BxSpF8mprrXyxEyA - Turf Valley, description from their channel, "“Turf Valley” is a #comedy #webseries three stay-at-home #dads who discuss life’s “big” questions for six, maybe seven minutes tops."

s/DadSquab - place on Squabble



If anyone has any other resources they would like to share, please put them in the comments and I'll get to adding them to this thread throughout today.
@vman10 I think this is a fair compromise as while the indefinite darkness won, it was very close and something like this values those who voted to stay open. I didn't vote but support the 48 hour blackout as it is reasonable.
@ericab I pulled it from our wiki. It looks like it hasn't been updated since mid 2022 which seems a shame as it looks like it was out to a good start.
@vman10 I think it's going to be hard to get people to gather on an alternative forum, but I love the idea of assembling a team of dad blogs as a backup to Reddit. If anyone else is blogging please feel free to share
@vman10 What’s the point of the poll if you’re just going to unilaterally make decisions regardless?

It was obvious that the mods here were hoping for more than a 2-day blackout. They didn’t like the result, so they kept the sub down longer and now have it in restricted mode.

Like, come on. There was never the intention of following the poll results. It’s just….annoying and hypocritical. I’m sure I’ll get banned for repeatedly calling this out.
@vman10 Why don’t you make a meta thread so users can actually discuss it? The sub went right from private to restricted.

Thanks for the effort that you put in. Making the sub restricted doesn’t line up with what you’ve posted before, though.
@vman10 Thanks for opening. Not sure why “90 minutes” mattered. Some mod was obviously trying to unilaterally keep the sub restricted until something else happened.
@fatrabbit Another thread about this, aot of us felt that discord is too easy to miss what's being discussed and moves too quickly.

Certainly, not everyone feels that way
@vman10 I feel we forgot the option "Go dark 6/12-6/14, but also pin a post as long as necessary telling Reddit 'we're not mad; we're just disappointed ...'"