informal brmo poll/pop quiz

@katrina2017 I know our clutter can get away from us, but i swear even when the counter is covered, it's all stuff i use too often to put away. This particular post was inspired by him clearing off the counter, which included the stain treating spray, which i keep next to the sink because that's what i treat stained clothes in. But because nothing's allowed to stay on the counter, he moved it to under the kitchen sink. With like carpet cleaner and pine-sol and shit. At LEAST put it with the other laundry stuff!
@saraila Both.

As I don't do makeup or my hair (short hair ftw). Hubby only has his beard box. But sometimes when brushing terth, doing your beard ect. You need to set things down
@saraila A, in an idea world.

Realistically, most of the time, C.

And if my mother in law is staying with you, C[sup]2[/sup] because she's going to use your master bathroom to sprawl her toiletries, hair dryer, etc. instead of the 2 guest bathrooms because...MIL.

Edit: remembered C is an option.
@saraila Can I have D- that pile of "I only wore these once, for an hour to the grocery store clothes"? (I have a double sink in our bathroom and one side is basically that.)

Also cups and toothbrushes and soap.
@saraila I have a pedastel sink and zero counter space. there's a soap dispenser on the right hand corner of the sink and there's a hook for the hairdryer on the wall beside the sink. everything else lives in the medicine cabinet over the sink. I don't wear makeup, and I don't use much in the line of hair products or tools. sometimes one of the kids will leave a toothbrush laying behind the faucet.
@saraila I have a pedastel sink and zero counter space. there's a soap dispenser on the right hand corner of the sink and there's a hook for the hairdryer on the wall beside the sink. everything else lives in the medicine cabinet over the sink. I don't wear makeup, and I don't use much in the line of hair products or tools. sometimes one of the kids will leave a toothbrush laying behind the faucet.
@saraila We keep cups with toothbrushes. Husbands razor/shaver/nose hair trimmer and soap right next to the sink.

In the drawer is a makeup tray with mascara I haven't touched since 2008 and other face products in a similar situation.

On the counter is a basket full of lotions, deodorant, blow dryer, candles, etc that is kind of a catch all. I found an empty bobbin in there once.

On the other side of that is the charger for husbands electric razor and my hair straightener.

Our counter in the master bath is big enough for 2 sinks but we only have 1. It gets cluttered but the basket contains a lot of that.

It's definitely a work space with things we use regularly out because it's just us in that bathroom.

Kids bathroom counter is for toothpaste smearing. We let company use that bathroom as it shows evidence our kid uses toothpaste.