Older twin parents - sleeping?


New member
Y’all were so helpful with my sleeping dilemma for vacation. I’m in need of some more suggestions for sleep.

Long story ahead. I have boy girl twins who are almost 2. We had to split our twins for sleep for several reasons, with great results for all of us. They’ve been separated for over 6 months now. Twin B now sleeps in his own baby proofed room on a mattress on the floor (he climbs out of the crib so he will need at least a toddler bed in any new scenario). twin A sleeps in our room in a pack n play (it was so much easier to console her if she woke up during the night). Fast forward, twin A had tubes put in her ears last week and is now sleeping super well. We have tried to put the 2 of them together for sleep but they just play play play. I have yet to be able to get either one to sleep when they are both in the same room.

We only have a 3 bedroom house and would like to keep a third as a guest room. We live far from family so we don’t want to force them to rent a hotel or Air bnb when they visit. Idk what I can do to get them in the same room again without waking one another up so I’m hoping for some inspiration.

EDIT TO ADD - I am not opposed to “powering through it” but, when we have attempted this, it’s been over an hour and neither twin shows any signs of falling asleep. Even when I go in there when they are clearly ready to go to bed, I can get neither twin to calm down or fall asleep.

I was considering a tent over each of their crib mattresses to provide some separation. We re e fly used covers on their pack n plays on vacation and it worked amazingly well. However we can’t use the pnp’s in their bedroom bc my son will climb in them while they’re not being used. Not exactly safe.
@moore2014 Our boys are a few years older now and stay up all hours reading. Is what it is.

When they were yours’ age they would play for a while over their cribs, and the out of their toddler beds. Let them get over the novelty of it and it becomes more and more normal.
@moore2014 It might be a "power through it" situation, or maybe you can get a bunk situation. Ours have bunk cribs (1yr) but for climbers that's a risk. Bunk beds are only okay from 4yo I thought. Ours share a room but the bunk makes it so they don't see each other, they only "play" through noises which is fine. The bottom bunk converts to a toddler crib (no sides), we will put a climber in there when we get to that point.
@momma7 I was thinking the bunk thing but I couldn’t find anything with high enough sides for the top bed. Can you send a picture of your setup? I’ve never heard of a bunk crib (I’m in the US). Twin A is not a climber so I could possibly get her in the top level without issue.
@moore2014 They do! I mention them sometimes and people always reply with "I remember that from church nursery", which is a mumbo jumbo sentence to me because churches here never have a nursery but it may help you find something! How about this? https://www.fafuplay.com/store/c9/NurseryBunkCot#/ maybe there are some facebook groups that offer nursery furniture secondhand, there are loads for kindergarten furniture at least. And let's face it, it's a kindergarten in our houses anyway haha
@moore2014 Forever ago I babysat kids that shared a room and it was pretty similar at bedtime.

I decided that we all go in together, they get into bed, I said good night but then stayed in the room and read myself a book or magazine until they fell asleep.

If anyone got up, without words I brought them back to bed and went back to reading. The second you engage either with words or eye contact they know they’ve won and will continue. Only took a few times of me doing this before they just went to bed when I was over.

I was fully prepared to do this with my kids if necessary but didn’t have to