Nursing 4 month old to sleep


New member
Looking for a bit of support and I suppose, reassurance.

My 4 month old slept really well until he had his second jabs at 14 weeks (not sure if this was a catalyst or coincidence), he was actually sleeping through the night before them which was wonderful.

He’s exclusively breastfed and I’ve nursed him to sleep at night since he was born and it’s something I love doing and don’t want to stop. At the moment, he nurses then I put him back into his Moses basket and 9 times out of 10 he’ll sleep anywhere from an hour to three hours. The other times I’ll have to resettle him by rocking or nursing again, but eventually he goes down. It’s probably also worth mentioning that he gets a lot of trapped wind in the night - no latch issues, I seem to have a quick letdown and he is a greedy boy.

He’s just about to outgrow his cot and I don’t particularly want to start co-sleeping as we don’t have the room in our house for my husband to sleep somewhere else. Plus I’d like him to sleep in his cot in his own room if possible - even if this means I’ll have to get multiple times to feed or rock him back to sleep.

In the daytime he will sleep being nursed, in his carrier being rocked or in his pram on a walk. He sleeps anywhere from 5-30 minutes (though this does seem to be starting to lengthen, as if I’m holding him I can resettle him for a slightly longer nap). Most of these naps he will fight, even when I try to follow wake windows for his age range. He just seems to hate falling asleep. I try to give him 4-5 naps per day, reading his cues along with following wake windows so he isn’t awake for too long and getting overtired - though he sometimes makes this impossible by fussing and not sleeping!

If I try to put him in his cot for a daytime sleep he will not settle, I can sometimes get him to sleep in his pram with the Rockit on in the daytime, but I know that’s not ideal so I don’t particularly like to do it unless I have to. In his cot he will roll and turn himself around - anything to stop him falling asleep! I put him down drowsy but awake as recommended and I try to pat, rock and sing to him but it doesn’t work.

He sucks his thumb but can’t seem to keep it in his mouth to self-soothe and he won’t take a dummy (pacifier) as he chews it instead of sucking. He’s also recently learnt to roll so I’m pretty sure he’s going through the dreaded 4 month sleep regression, I’m not sure if it started after his jabs or if it’s just starting.

I know every baby is different, but I guess I’d just like to know I’m not alone and to see if anyone is on the other side getting better sleep.

As I said, I’d like to continue nursing him to sleep, so please don’t give me advice on teaching self soothing techniques as I would prefer him to learn himself when he is ready. We’ve just had a couple of rough nights and I’m feeling a bit sorry for myself and need some support.
@straf ❤️ some babies definitely can feed to sleep and sleep through, but they might take a little while to get there. The human body is incredibly resilient - I was getting out of bed for night wakes and feeds until 16 months for my eldest! We did do gentle sleep training with both our kids but they have very different sleep personalities.

If you do decide to do self soothing, it does need to begin at bedtime, as it can be confusing to baby if you don't help start the next cycle like you did the first one.
@cindyfernandez Thank you, he’s still very young so only time will tell!

I just know that I’ll miss nursing and rocking him to sleep when he’s older so I guess I want to make the most of it. Although it’s hard on those sleepless nights! You’re right about the human body being resilient as it is already starting to get used to less and broken sleep again.

I’ll see how we get on over the next few months and when he starts to sleep in his own room, if there is no improvement at all then I might have to rethink the self soothing.