Not sure what to do next -- Low LH/ FSH/ Progesterone

@anonymouspink Jumping on this comment even though I know it was intended for someone else.

I did 4 medicated cycles on letrozole. I took it on CD3-7. I was working with an RE and on my CD13 ultrasound to check follicles, they were still really small on my 4th medicated cycles and i never got a positive OPK. I ended up having to wait until CD 21 when my follicles were larger to do the trigger.

I will tell you also, my insurance did not cover infertility at all. We started with diagnostic testing that was covered at this clinic but as soon as they started coding outside of diagnostic, I paid out of pocket. Insurance did cover medication though. But it was like $175 for each ultrasound. It might be best to see what a clinic near you would charge for the process and maybe get a consultation.

Because my cycles were irregular prior to medication, this ensured they were “normal.” I can trace what happened to push back ovulation in that last cycle though. My car broke down days before that appt and we were super stressed with getting the car situation figured out and getting second opinions. I think the stress of the situation almost messed us up.
@jangja A $175 ultrasound sounds like it was covered... I was told out of pocket ultrasounds are more like $2000! What did your ultraound show?

So did Letrozole work for you?
@anonymouspink Our clinic has a financial document that they give out at the very beginning that tells you how much everything cost. A follicular ultrasound was listed as $175. I had 2 done during my insurance diagnostic testing and they were covered because it was coded as diagnostic testing. For each medicated cycle, I paid the $175 on CD13 to get checked.

Our clinic also had financial counselors that walked through everything with you and explained what your insurance would and would not pay and what it would leave you with.

I had Kaiser before I was married though so recognize it is a different insurance process as everything is under the Kaiser umbrella. I have Premera.

And letrozole did work for me. The first two cycles I got a positive OPK right around day 13/14. The 3rd I never got a positive OPK but the FD ultrasound showed the follicles were the right size and I did a trigger shot. Only on the last cycle did things get weird but I believe it was the stress of car trouble that slowed the follicle growth down. The first cycle was the only cycle I noticed any side effects of letrozole. After that, I never noticed any weird feelings while on the medication. Both trigger shots gave me intense migraines.