No free time, no social life. No more. Wife disagrees

@wisdomandlove As the parent of an amazing and busy middle schooler- keeping up with their schedule and transportation can be so much!

Adding a second in the mix would just be too much for us. Not to mention when the kids are at different schools, having different friends and doing different activities. Families(with multiples) who were very active in school and activities when all the kids were either too little or all in elementary school have all seemed to disappear in middle school now that their kids are spread between.

Not to mention when a single has sleepovers or otherwise is hanging with friends, it's easy to have date night/adult only time. Takes a lot more planning when there are two.

My kid just wouldn't have the same opportunities if we had more. We'd have to limit activities,and I'm sure that's fine. But they get to do a lot of cool stuff, and school extracurriculars that we wouldn't be able to manage with more. She's well adjusted, has lots of friends, and likes to hang around us too. Many of her friends also are only children. I don't think it's that unusual anymore. (I'm also an only)

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