Night weaning

@debbie_s Just offering solidarity and following along, as I’m in a very similar situation! My toddler is 2 1/2, and I’m 11 weeks pregnant, and she has been suddenly nursing like a newborn again. It’s painful and exhausting, and she shows no sign of stopping on her own. I need a break, but am dreading the process.
@debbie_s We did this at exactly 2 and had to have dad take over the first few nights. We did it over a long weekend - first night was terrible for both, second night some whining but much better, third night some wake ups but no crying. Shortly after he started sleeping through the night, it felt like I won the lottery after basically waking up every 2/3 hours for 2 years straight. I read all the attachment parenting techniques but unfortunately either my son wasn’t quite verbal then and didn’t really understand long explanations or any gentle methods. It was boob or nothing. We still supported him throughout the adjustment and would still respond at night but had to do the cold turkey method. It all depends on the child so I’d say definitely go in with a few plans in kind in case one doesn’t quite work. Good luck!
@debbie_s Here are my tips:

Keep a sippy cup of water by the bed

Wear a sports bra or tight-fitting shirt or turtleneck so that your boobs are on lockdown

Read a book about weaning before bed

Pick a phrase like “Mama’s boobies are asleep right now” or “now we only nurse when the sun is out” and use that same phrase over and over again. Eventually, when you say that, your LO will know what it means and will settle more easily

Pick set times and stick with them. We started with no nursing between bedtime and 2:00am, then moved it forward one hour every week or so or when we felt we could, until we got to 6:00am

My husband can’t help at night because of his medication, so I had to do night weaning by myself for the most part. If you can, find a way to nap during the day because it is ROUGH. The night wakings tend to get a lot longer and sometimes more frequent for awhile. Prepare ahead of time and don’t start if you don’t feel like you can stick to it for as long as it takes. I personally am waiting to night wean my toddler because she is teething molars and I already feel like death warmed over. I can’t imagine not having The Boob as my secret weapon until she is all done with this nonsense.