NICU Fatigue

@truckingalongforgod This brought me back. 100 days in the NICU, it was...agony. 3 hour round-trip commute to the NICU daily, while my cat was in his final months, and I was torn between my sick, far-away baby - and my sick, dying cat at home. Nearly 6 years later and it's thankfully a distant memory, like a scar where a gaping wound used to be. Someday this will be in your rear-view mirror as well, hang in there! Focus on getting through one day at a time, hope your little one comes home soon!
@truckingalongforgod Day 44 in the NICU. I mutter "f*cking things" under my breath at the cords often. Tonight I had probably my 30th new nurse and I just couldn't get the energy up to make small talk...she did her job and asked me if I needed anything and we left it at that. It's ok to be who you need to be in different moments.