Newborn sleeping 5 1/2 hours and counting…


New member
Hello everyone!
It is me again and I have a different concern now!

So, somehow I must’ve used too much of that SC Johnson baby lotion (the one to help sleep) because my baby (5 weeks + 2 days old) has been sleeping since about 10 pm, it is currently 3:33 am as I write this and I’m a bit concerned. 😅

My mom has given him a bath using the SC Johnson bedtime wash last night and while I was feeding him, I massaged a bit of the lotion on his chest.. and now I regret it because I didn’t realize how much it would work..

He hasn’t woken up until now (I keep checking on him, he’s breathing) and I’m worried for letting him sleep because usually he wakes up at least a couple times in the night to eat and what not..

Should I let him sleep or wake him up?

P.S. I believe he is gaining the proper weight (I don’t have a scale or anything to check but based on my judgement and how he looks, he seems to be gaining weight to me) because his last appointment was on 04/26/24 and he weighed 8 lbs 3.2 oz. He was born 04/09/24 at 7 lbs 5.1 oz. His next appointment is not until 06/12/24.

Again, I do believe he is gaining weight because my SO, my family and I are having a hard time carrying him.

I feel so bad because I think that bedtime bath and the lotion worked a little too well.. 😭

Any advice or past experiences from other moms will help GREATLY!

EDIT: Oh he finally woke up! I may have triggered it a little by moving his blanket, but he did sleep about 6 hours… this is a first! I’ll try not to let this happen again, or not use the lotion! Dear God, I didn’t think it would work THAT well 🥲
@jack98204 Our doctor said if they're up past their birth weight, it's okay to let them sleep! Babies will wake up when they're hungry! Lol wish mine would get a chunk that long...
@sonflower73 I see! That’s what I was reading! But to tell you the truth I don’t know his current weight but I do know is that he IS getting heavier to carry! My family lives next door to me on the same property and they have him on and off and they definitely mentioned that to me!

We’ll have to see his next appointment but my mother instincts tell me he is growing well! He is EBF!
@texfire316 I see! Glad to know I’m not alone! I appreciate the help! I’d figure sleep is important for him and I was sure he’d wake up when he’s ready to wake up for his usuals (change, feed and burp).

Do you think he’s a bit young to establish a sleep schedule? For me personally I think he is, since he still doesn’t know the difference between night and day. I can wait until he’s older and then I can establish that schedule
@jack98204 I mean, I don’t know what a “sleep schedule” is, we have a night routine (that started at what… 4-5 weeks probably?) at 20:30 every day just because we noticed that’s when he falls asleep every day.

If you don’t give your kids structure they can’t figure it out by themselves, that’s why I make sure that the bedroom at night is dark, that they nap in natural light during the day, that we don’t play at night, etc.

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