New to cloth diapers


New member
Hello all!
I'm a ftm due in a month or less and I recently got tubs full of secondhand cloth diapers and I had a couple of questions.

What's the best way to wash/store all of them?

I have a bunch of kissaluv size 0 and was wondering what's a good outer for them?

What's the best detergent for them all?
I use tide f&c in liquid form but I do see that powder is better.

Thank you~
@elizabeth1990 We have an over-the-door organizer that we use to store the diapers. We also have a caddy on the change table that holds 5-6 diapers.

In terms of detergent, I’ve used tide free and gentle powder (which has been discontinued) and essmebly power. Both worked well.
@elizabeth1990 I don’t have a large dresser, it’s a dresser and changing table all in one and only has 3 drawers, so I use a cheep 3 tier rolling cart and keep it right beside my changing table! Plus I like it bc I can easily pull it out and stuff all the diapers and put them in order on the cart while sitting in the rocker or on the couch
@elizabeth1990 I’m not familiar with that brand of diapers.

But in general, you’re going to want to bleach them since they’re secondhand and wash them. Both fluff love university and clean cloth nappies offer directions.

We store our diapers in a drawer in my sons dresser; our changing pad is on top.

We also use tide free and gentle liquid just fine. AFAIK they’ve discontinued the powder, so if the liquid works for you, that’s just fine. If you're already using a cloth diaper friendly detergent for your regular laundry, there’s no reason to complicate things.
@elizabeth1990 I can’t answer any of these questions, but make sure you check the elastics! We got a few from a garage sale and all the elastics needed to be replaced.
@elizabeth1990 I did it myself! My sewing machine is kind of a pansy though and couldn’t make it through the elastic+fabric so I ended up doing it by hand. It’s kind of a pain but It helped pass the time and kept the anxiety at bay!

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