New here, new mom


New member
Hello! I was sent here by a few people in /r/beyondthebump. This message is copy/pasted from there, so you don't have to re-read if you already have. :)

I had my little boy Tuesday, Nov. 29th, at 1:14 in the morning. Terrance Daniel was born 2 lbs 6 oz and was 12.6 inches long. I was only able to gestate to 27 weeks after PPROMing at 17 weeks (my membranes ruptured and my waters broke). I was without anmiotic fluid for 10 whole weeks, yet my son has no complications, outside of being premature!

I'm excited to have successfully graduated! I was so scared I wouldn't be able to, but we know for sure that Terrance is most likely coming home, probably closer to his due date in February. :D

So hello!

Baby tax! Right after he was born.

More recent! The chin strap and the CPAP combo makes his face look funny. :p

Last one, I promise.
@clary That is amazing that you made it so long. Good job momma! I hope the worst is behind you and that your little man thrives. Everyone in this sub knows the NICU is a rough place to be. I hope in a year you are as crazy busy as I am today chasing after a wild, active, happy little boy!
A side thought to my original. I know it will be hard, but don't allow yourself to put blame on yourself! Crappy things happen, sometimes pregnancy doesn't go according to plan, but it wasn't your fault! Your job now is to be the best mommy you can be, and part of that is getting beyond the blame game that most NICU mommies go through. Be strong!

I also recommend the book: The Littlest Peanut, available on Amazon. It is a baby milestone book for preemies. It was very comforting and it will be fun to go through when my son gets older.
@chuckm137 I... actually had a huge problem this week with the guilt, but my husband helped me get through this. I know there was nothing I could do. Thank you. I'll definitely look that book up. Anything for comfort.
@clary It was comfort, and something to do! It has all sorts of NICU specific milestones that other babies just don't experience. It also helped normalize what we were going through and let us realized others had gone through it before and survived.
@clary Congratulations! Sounds like you had a much tougher go of it than my wife did, and I'm very happy that you and Terrance have successfully graduated! It sucks to be in the NICU, but our experience was as positive as it is possible for such things to be. Everyone there was super supportive, and it was kind of nice to be able to sharpen my baby feeding and diapering skills with professional supervision, as we got close to Gabriel's release date.

One piece of advice that I was very glad I eventually took: see your baby often while he's there, but, sometimes, you need to take time for you.
@prgriffin I was so looking forward to this, my son was on 4 hourly feeds in hospital with no problems. The moment we got him home, 1.5-2 hourly feeds. I was not impressed.
@gmck22 Oh no! I was so diligent with the breast milk rotations and extra calories. It was so nice because we could trade off night feedings, one did midnight one did 3am.
@gmck22 I was never able to breastfeed. I think he was so used to a bottle nipple that even with a shield he just couldn't get it so I pumped for the entire time and just kept it frozen. I wish it would have worked but maybe next time!