New here, new mom

@1morey That is good advice. We've been seeing him every day, but my husband feels sick today (and I can't drive with my cesarean incision) so we stayed home. I miss him terribly but I feel a bit more relaxed.
@clary They won't let you drive? Are you on heavy pain killers? My docs said I could drive as long as I only used Tylenol, so I did. We lived 35 mins from the hospital and my husband was working, I drove up there every day.
@chuckm137 I was told that the motions of me moving my leg on the pedals could affect my incision healing. I'm also on heavy painkillers (not that I take them). I had a vertical emergency cesarean.
@clary He is so cute! Congratulations....that might take a while to accept with only joy and no worry. It's so great that your son has no complications and is just small.

I had my daughter at 31+3 and was on bedrest for almost 3 weeks in the hospital with PPROM. Low/no amniotic is the weirdest feeling in the world! Jo was almost 4lbs and 17 inches and is now a giantess 1-year-old...bebooping all over the place.

Best of luck! Hang in there! Take all the help you can get from anyone who offers and take care of you.
@mjhavengasa Thank you :)

It is a weird feeling. I was without fluid for 10 whole weeks and I could feel every kick, jerk, and motion. He actually bruised me, and my placenta began fragmenting. D:

How long were you ruptured?
@clary My rupture was at exactly 29 weeks and I thought it was some new heinous pregnancy side effect. It wasn't a huge amount all at once, but more of a constant leak, like peeing my pants without realizing I had to go.
So bed rest in the hospital for almost 3 weeks. I was so sure I'd make it to 34 weeks, but it just wasn't the way it went.
I explain the feeling like every movement is sharp.
@mjhavengasa Mine came all at once. At first, it was a slow leak, and I thought it was pregnancy discharge (I was told this could happen) and I put on a pad. Then I stood up from my computer chair and sploosh there was a huge puddle. Needless to say, I was scared pantsless.

And look at you! You made it to 34 weeks! Way to go! I wanted to make it that far, or at least to week 28, but my placenta was fragmenting.

The movements. Yeah, they were sharp. And very uncomfortable. Terrance was very active in the womb and he bruised my uterus.
@clary My 27+3 weeker is now 18 months old, we had a 4.5 month stay in the Nicu with brain bleeds, hydrocephalus, a vp shunt, and kidney issues. He is doing well now with some complications from prematurity. I'd also like to let you know about Facebook preemie support pages, search preemie or micro preemie and many should pop up. Best wishes!
@clary My 27+3 son is now 14 months old and almost walking. He had a quiet 70 days in NICU, before coming home just before Xmas last year. No issues from prematurity, healthy, happy and cheeky! He's slightly small for his adjusted age, but very strong. He is full of muscle rather than chubby baby fat. Good luck & give him lots of skin to skin. If you can, express breastmilk for him. It's a horribly annoying and hard thing to continue to do for months, but so good if you can.
@awikiwiki I've been pumping breastmilk for him, and the nurses are elated that I am. I guess it does wonders. Every day that I'm there, I do kangaroo care. Not only does it make him happy, it makes me happy, too. :)
@clary Good on you!!! All the best to you and your family, keep up the expressing every three hours, even overnight. I am still breastfeeding now, but it took a long long time before he was big enough to actually latch. I kept up with expressing as much as I started to hate it, and it was worth it for us. We also had to top up with formula though, once he was about 5 months old. I was producing milk, just not enough. Do what works for you, but try to persist as long as possible x
@awikiwiki It's only been a week, but I'm only expressing 15 to 20 ml each time. It's a bit discouraging but I know that with my PCOS it will be less. I will likely have to do formula as well, but the way I see it, some breastmilk is better than no breastmilk.