Need Feedback on "toddler activities planner" tool


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Hey Parents/Caregivers!

I am an aunt to a feisty, handful 1 year old and hence am working on a something which helps in designing activities for Toddlers.

Its a free tool which helps spun up fun/educational activities, all without the planning fatigue.

Kindly share your thoughts on its utility, potential improvements, or any specific needs you'd like me to address.

Thank you!!

P.S- Please do let me know whether there are any flaws with the response(Stale/repetitive responses) / need more options in the forms(Special needs/ Safety considerations, etc), anything which stops you from using this more regularly.

Will work on it :)
@spiritlife66 Glad to know that!!

Please also share some feedback, anything you did not like about this.

It could be the responses, or the questions asked, or the responsiveness of the site.

I really want to improve this tool..
@susannah63 Since you put so much time and energy into this helpful resource, I tried to give you some thoughtful feedback since you requested it. I haven't spent much time on the website yet so my recommendations may already be on there and I haven't noticed yet.

The only feedback I have, and this is me really straining to come up with something, is:
  • To have the ability to select multiple options at once in the search tool. E.g., looking for all activities anywhere from under 30 minutes to 2 hours that involve low or medium involvement.
  • Finding a few regular (free or cheap) activities out of the house for my toddler has been huge for me. It helps structure my day, takes pressure off of me to be the main source of entertainment, it's good for my son, and it's more fun for me which keeps me more recharged. Plus, the mental load of parenting is way heavier to carry 24/7 than I expected, and outings lighten that load for me. You may already have this on the website and I haven't found it yet, but a section dedicated to ideas for free or cheap field trips could be helpful. Maybe explain the benefits of narrating/talking to the tot(s) about what you're doing during these (not just during the activity itself, but at all times). Activities I've found helpful include: the library (emphasize this one; I can't say enough good about taking littles to libraries, and most have storytimes/songs/playtime schedules for different ages + special events—I'd urge caregivers to check local library websites weekly), petting zoos, parks with play equipment, parks for nature walks, botanical gardens, splash pads, orchards, farmers markets, zoos, YMCAs, beaches, and museums (helpful tips: (1) a lot of museums have dedicated areas for littles; (2) anyone who lives near large universities may have access to a bunch of free museums + science and nature centers). Getting an annual membership to one or two of your favorite places near your house can make any of these activities that cost money pretty cheap if you go regularly.
@spiritlife66 This is really helpful, thank you so much @spiritlife66!!

I will surely work on them and give you an update.

Please do let me know if anything else can be worked upon.

Thank you once again :)
@weepingwillow422 Super happy to hear about that!

Please do let me know if you want any more factors to be taken care of while designing the activities, I am sure I can do better than these 5 questions asked.

Or in general any other feedback :)
@susannah63 Hey so this might be completely out of scope- but we have twins and most of the activities work best/exclusively with singlets, would it be possible to get multi-child activities?
@roundsquare Yes absolutely!
This is a great feedback! I actually had the option to ask this in the form itself, however didn’t cause I wanted to make the form succinct.
Will either add this option or create an all together different form for twins, will get back to you on this in next few days.
Thank you for sharing!
Please do let me know if anything else needs to be added.
@susannah63 I love this! It's so tough having to think of things to keep them entertained! I've a 3.5yr old and an 20m old but the youngest HAS to copy his big brother 😂
Will be using this weekend and sharing with my friends!
@skinesio2 Thank you so much for sharing!!
As pointed out by other users, will add an option to suggest activities that can be done by the siblings together.

This feature should get added in next few days, will keep you updated.
Please do let me know if anything else can be improved :)
@butterflies Thank you!! Please do continue to use it and let me know if you face any issues or have any feedback. Hope this tool helps you to build the best activities for your toddlers :)
@susannah63 I really love that you have involvement level.

When I look at social media and Pinterest the activities I find are like ‘just gather your 15 craft supplies, 20 mins for prep and all of that spare energy you have and enjoy!’

Instead I end up feeling like a failure. I often want things my toddler can do in the afternoon when I’m low energy so this is great.
@susannah63 This is so freaking cool!! Sometimes my “mom brain” takes over and I forget everything and keeping my toddler entertained is a struggle. I’ve only skimmed over the site to see it and I so far have no suggestions, if I do I’ll comment again. Is it okay if I share this across my social media for my mom friends? Thanks!