NB vs 0-3 clothing size

@niederwaldflash I was told to not buy newborn and my SIL had to go buy a couple for us when I was in hospital. My son was almost 9 pounds but he was in newborn for 6 weeks or so. I really struggled with the few outfits I had. It's so hard to know though cos babies are all different sizes.
@niederwaldflash I didn’t buy any NB clothes, but my LO was born almost 7 lbs. LO was tiny so I needed NB size clothes.

After a month he grew out of the NB size footies. I had about 5-6 in rotation. I just did a lot of laundry :)
@niederwaldflash Buy more than you think you’ll need! Everyone told us not to buy too many newborn outfits… and our baby (7.10 lb at birth, somewhere between 9/10 lbs now) is still wearing a mix of newborn and the smaller 0-3 clothes at 6 weeks old.

We had to send my mom to stock up on newborn clothing when we got home from the hospital. The few we had weren’t going to cut it - especially given the number of leaks and spit ups we had those first few weeks… I think we went through 6 or 7 outfits one day!
@niederwaldflash We didn't use any newborn clothing. Sure, it was slightly baggy for a few weeks, but she was already in 3-6 month clothing by 4 weeks.

Also want to say, don't rely just on size. My baby wears a range between 9 months to 2T at 8 months. The actual size varies greatly by brand.
@niederwaldflash My girl was little, so we used ended up using preemie, nb, and 0-3m all for a month each. I'm so glad we're out of that phase of growth 😅 I sorted through so many tiny clothes... she had more nb outfits then than she has 24m/2t now.
@niederwaldflash The only NB thing we had was the one we had made to announce the pregnancy. We were also expecting at least a 9+ baby and he ended up being 8.5. Dad went out and bought some stuff when we got home. Probably 10 outfits (onesies & pants, sleepers) got us through the newborn stage and then 0-3 fit after a few weeks maybe a month.
@niederwaldflash It’s so brand dependent too! Some NB stuff we have is bigger than some 0-3 month stuff. But all she’s worn since birth is zipper sleepers. They’re so cozy and she sleeps 90% of the time (she’s 3.5 weeks old). They’re also much easier to navigate during diaper changes than onesies and pants, for example.

(Mom here)
@niederwaldflash We used NB for our son since he came early and he wore those the first three weeks. He then moved to 0-3 mo and just recently made the move to 3-6 mo.

Just an opinion, but it's nice to have clothing that fits and then you can move up as they grow. It happens quick.