NB vs 0-3 clothing size

@niederwaldflash We were in NB for at least a month but YMMV. I’d get a couple things (footie pjs with the double zip and the foldover mitts probably) and then maybe have a mom or grandma lined up to pick up a few more things if you need them!
@niederwaldflash I had hardly any newborn because I was convinced my baby would be too big for them. We got home with our 9lb1oz over 21inch baby (98th percentile) and she definitely needed newborn size, we were swimming in 0-3. Now we sized out of a lot of the NB stuff within about 3 weeks, but I was glad we had about 5 zip sleep and plays because I’m not trying to wash them every single day, so that gave us enough to rotate things, although to be fair there were several she only wore 2-3 times.
@niederwaldflash I would buy a couple nb sleepers and then wait.

My friends little girl fit in 0-3 mo clothes right away.

My son took longer to gain weight and wore premie and new born sizes until almost 3 months. Then he moved to 0-3 month clothes.

That said, we never really put outfits on him that often and he mostly wore sleepers all day.
@niederwaldflash I would say buy just a handful of cheap NB and 0-3 month clothes. They grow through it so fast. Our preemie son was in preemie clothes, then NB clothes in the NICU. The day he came home he was swimming in 0-3 month clothes, then he went through a crazy growth spurt right away and within 2 MONTHS he’s now in 3-6 month clothes, and some 6-9 month stuff 🤷🏻‍♀️
@niederwaldflash My girl wore NB for almost a full month. I would suggest a least getting a couple NB PJs and onesies to have on hand just in case! You can always stock up on more if you need them. Target drive up or Amazon delivery is quick enough :)
@niederwaldflash You probably will! Ours was born 6lbs 10oz and was SWIMMING in NB size. We were in it until 5w PP then transitioned to 0-3s until 5mo old.

While every baby is s bit different it doesn't hurt to have a few on hand just in case. If you end up with a giant 10lb baby you can just donate on the few NW clothes you got. If you end up having a smaller baby you'll have enough for the first few days and can get more if you wish.

I echo the other sentiments: just get NB Footed PJs (start with 3-5 or so...you can always get more later if needed).

Oh and FWIW those scans can be off. Ours said we'd have a 9lbs baby...clearly not lol.
@niederwaldflash No real way to tell. I thought I only needed 3-4 NB outfits just in case, gave birth to a preemie and ended up wearing NB size for 3 weeks after wearing preemie size for 3 weeks.
@niederwaldflash If you have a savers or something of the sort near by, definitely get newborn things there. Also i had no idea how big baby would be, they said he was small for his gestational age at 37 weeks, but he came out almost 9lbs! We bought two of the same coming home outfit, one newborn and one 0-3 month. We were able to use the newborn one but it was nice to have the same cute outfit weeks later that lasted a month or so!

Very grateful to have had about 10+ newborn onesies and zip up pj’s for the first couple of weeks. Spent about 40$ on them at savers. But they didn’t last long at all 🤣
@niederwaldflash I barely bought any nb clothes and my baby ended up being 5lb 10 Oz. He was in newborn clothes for 2 months lol. Thankfully a bunch of people gifted newborn pjs. But also I would keep a couple on hand, if you need to buy more it’s so easy now with Amazon prime and target pick up.
@niederwaldflash My daughter was 8lbs and was in newborn for about two and a half to three weeks or so, we had I think like five sleepers with the feet, three gown type of sleepers, and I think three onesies. That was a comfortable amount, my husband took care of the laundry so he might beg to differ.
@niederwaldflash My baby fit newborn clothes for the first 3 weeks, and he was 8lbs 3oz when he was born 😳

It wouldn’t hurt to go out and get a few onesies and sleepers in NB, even if it’s something cheap from Walmart or Target
@niederwaldflash My baby was large Like 80th percentile when born. All our starter clothes were second hand and we barely touched the newborn size. Just too small. At the same time, no brand is the same. It's crazy. George brand is always running small.
@niederwaldflash I would get a few NB things! My son was supposed to be at least 7lbs and came out at 6lb 8oz and was in Nb for a bit. We had like 3 things in NB and ended up just buying a ton of clearance zip pjs when we got home from the hospital!
@niederwaldflash We needed NB for our 7.6 lb baby. She was in 0 - 3 months around the 1 month mark. My friend had her baby early and she was 6 lbs, she was in NB till almost 3 months old.

I’d definitely buy some - you could just do pjs if you want to avoid spending extra money!
@niederwaldflash I was told my newborn would be like 7-8 pounds, had all these NB onesies, then bam. Three weeks early at 5 pounds and 15 oz. By the time we got some preemie clothes for him (about a week or two after getting out of the hospital) he started being able to fit in the NB clothes.
(I would get a few onesies in NB and preemie just in case.)