My toddler eats like 8 things and I don’t have the energy to do anything about it

@mimi94 Honestly it just shows people’s true colors. I can’t imagine sending my baby to bed hungry when I have the means to feed them. A banana costs about 20 cents and 5 seconds of work bjt these people would literally rather let a little kid go to bed hungry to prove a point. Utterly disgraceful
@roman101 Completely 100% agree.

I can tell you my child will NEVER go to bed with anything less than a nice full belly. And if that means a PB&J and a banana 15 minutes before bed because she didn't like dinner, rock that sandwich girlfriend.
@mimi94 YEP!! I’m not saying I’m about to make a whole meal 10 minutes before bed or even during a dinner, but you feel free to help yourself to a fruit or yogurt!
@roman101 I don't think having a "full belly" all the time is the end game for us. I want them to get exposure to a wide variety of foods, to appreciate a variety of tastes and textures, and to learn to participate in meals that aren't their 10 favorite foods.

I'm offering them good food. They can eat as much or as little as they want. They get to choose how full their belly is.
@roman101 I don't think so. I'm not "refusing to ensure they are fed." They have access to food and they are choosing for themselves how much they want to eat. Do you have a source for the statement that this leads to eating disorders?

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