My son lost 6 oz of weight between Friday and yesterday despite eating very regularly and having all the diapers needed to be “normal”


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My son eats 12-15 times in 24 hours for 5-25 minutes (average is 15 on one side and then refuses the other or eats for 5 minutes in that other side). After he has eaten I pump both breasts and get about an ounce all together. I explained this to the pediatrician because she asked if I pump or anything on top of breast feeding. She told me that he is still not up to his body weight at birth and I need to supplement and see how it goes by adding 1 teaspoon of formula to a 2 oz bottle and to do this twice a day on top of pumping and breast feeding. I asked why he isn’t gaining weight when he eats and has enough wet and dirty diapers and if it’s a production issue. She said it’s likely not a production issue since I still get 1 oz after he eats and he is going potty enough and more likely my milk does not contain enough fat: she said unfortunately some women don’t produce fatty milk and it causes the baby not to get enough calories. I am going to obviously listen the doctor and give formula 2 times a day but I’m honestly crushed about this and feel like I can’t even provide for my son. I am so sad right now and feel really defeated. I know it’s not my fault but I was so excited because he was gaining weight and now he isn’t. I asked if there is anything I can eat or do to increase the fats in my milk and she said unfortunately there isn’t a way to do that and it’s just what the body produces sometimes.

Additionally info: My son is 2 weeks old. I do not mind putting a little bit of formula in my breast milk to help. I have no issue with the idea of combo feeding, whatever is best for my baby is good for me but I just know he isn’t eating enough. I use a nipple shield most of the time because I have large breasts with short nipples so it’s very difficult for him to get a good latch unless I pinch my breast as flat as possible or I push the breast tissue back and even then he has to push really deep to get a latch and then cannot breathe as easy trying to be smooshed. I did see two LC in the hospital who said he was latching great with the nipple shield and no concerns or anything. I am doing everything like they taught me and it’s still an issue. My nurse was at the house and we weighed him, did a feed, and then weighed him again and he gained about an ounce after the feed (only one breast since he refuses the 2nd one most of the time so I just switch off which one I start with every feed) Also we tried the formula 2 times by mixing it into my breast milk and he seems so much happier and full now.
@aletia I’m an IBCLC. Your ped has passed along some outdated information. Weight loss after birth is normal, up to 10%, typically losing the most weight between days 3-5. We expect babies to be back to birth weight by 2 weeks and follow a growth curve from there.

Your breastmilk is not low in fat. That’s not a thing. Disregard that statement completely.

I highly recommend seeing an IBCLC for a weighted feed. Without knowing what baby is transferring at the breast, we don’t know how much to tell you to supplement how when it’s OK to stop.

The Lactation Network may work with your insurance and can pair you with someone local to you. I’d start by submitting your information with them.
@championmicky Thank you! My nurse that comes to visit me did a “weighted feed” before I fed him and then after and he gained about an ounce at 8 days and that was before he latched really well. The past 4 days or so he has been latching extremely well with a nipple shield. I also think part of the weight issue is because he gets sleepy a lot while eating and I can’t figure out how to keep him up super easily, especially in the middle of the night. We will get better though
@aletia Speak to an IBCLC. Your pediatrician unfortunately has given you a lot of really incorrect advice.

Peds are simply not feeding specialists. They don’t actually have education in that field.
@aletia After a fellow big breasted mumma my babe struggled to feed until he was a bit bigger- about 6 weeks we got the flow! I was breastfeeding then expressing but ended up just expressing for my mental health until I felt we should try once a day again, then went to over nights, then went to all day and night!!!

I found taking the pressure off myself and the baby really helped! My lactation consultant was amazing and put no pressure on me at all!

I also found until baby was a few months older and less floppy laying down sideways and him on his side helped us both! I did a boobie burger for him which helped his get a better latch and stopped it hurting for me!
@magelaus I really think most of the issue is my breast size lol the nipple shields make it sooo easy for him to latch now they are just uncomfortable 😭😭
@aletia Yup this was 100% us too! It didn’t matter what position we tried he was never satisfied or happy and I was so sore and so defeated!!! Look back now - my baby is 6 months and I’ve just gone back to work so I am so so happy I can express, he will happily take a bottle and then drink from me when I get home!

I am so glad I never gave up and just listened to our bodies and had a little break to take the pressure off of ourselves!!

I had so many well meaning people and nurses try to show me different ways to feed but none worked and just made me feel worse and worse that I couldn’t provide for my son how society tell a Mum they should!

Be kind to yourself 💜💜💜
@aletia My son still hasn’t reached his birth weight either and we just started doing triple feeding. His doctor also mentioned it could be that the milk isn’t fatty enough but she seems to think it’s more of a milk transfer issue. It was really sad to feel like I’ve been depriving my baby, I had same thing nursing constantly but not seeming satisfied, a high supply, and dirty diapers so I was shocked when he hadn’t reached birth weight. We have a weigh in tomorrow and I’m really hoping for good news but if not we’ll most likely be adding formula in to make the milk more dense as well. Good luck and try not to be too hard on yourself❤️❤️
@aletia Find a lactation consultant who will do a weighted feeding. He may not be getting much.

My LO went undiagnosed with a posterior tongue tie for 6 weeks.

We switched to exclusively pumping after my baby at 5 days had dropped from 4 lbs 12 oz to 4 lbs 3 oz..

Turns out she was only getting 1 ml/min.

Are you offering that pumped breast milk in a bottle after breastfeeding?

Your LO could be burning up all their calories trying to drink your milk. Nipple shields will often restrict flow as well.

I know it’s hard, but you’ve got this!
@snowmang I did a weighted feeding with a home nurse that comes and that was his first week and he gets about an ounce from one breast in 15 minutes.

Today he ate for 30 minutes on one side. And 20 on the other the next feed. I am not offering the pumped milk but I do offer the other breast every time and he always refuses indicating he is full. He also doesn’t give me the feeding cues until at least 1.5-3 hours later depending how much he ate. I did notice after pumping for 20 minutes right now significantly less came out on both sides so I’m hoping that means he emptied them pretty good these last 2 feeds.
@aletia That is decent I think. He could just be building strength and learning to suckle which can take time! My LC said you want to see an oz every 5-8 minutes, but my LO is 4 months now (though only 10 lbs) so that could be different for a newborn. The transfer rate of 2ml/minute though isn’t ideal I don’t believe.

I hope what does the fox say chimes in because they’re very knowledgeable and I know pretty much nothing

I’d maybe try to offer 15 ml in a bottle if your LO does bottle feed at all after a feed in the next few days and see.

I thought my LO was satisfied but really she was just sleepy and exhausted. She also had higher jaundice levels and would frequently sleep and wake to eat while on. But we have a whole mess of other things orally going on lol.
@aletia Was the weight taken in the same way? Meaning maybe yesterday’s weight was after a poop and friday’s was before. Also, maybe friday’s was after a feed and yesterday’s was before?
Poop and feed make weight fluctuate a lot.
@rfoobs Yesterday he hadn’t ate for about 2 or 3 hours because he wouldn’t take the breast before we left. I have yet to have the courage to breastfeed in public but I’ll get used to it soon. So that could be part of it: he ate and had a clean diaper on Friday and the one yesterday he hadn’t eaten in a bit

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