My son lost 6 oz of weight between Friday and yesterday despite eating very regularly and having all the diapers needed to be “normal”

@thing2 This was his second weight at the doctor (first was Friday at 6lb 8oz and yesterday was 6lb 2 oz) I’m comparing both doctor visits.

I am still using the nipple shield. I try to latch him without sometimes and he has a hard time because my nipple is still pretty short for his mouth, he latches briefly but then gets frustrated
@aletia If you can I would suggest working with an IBCLC with regards to hopefully weaning from the shield as it can affect milk transfer and supply.

I wouldn’t be too concerned about a teaspoon of formula twice a day. That’s a very small amount in the whole scheme of things.
@thing2 Ya it’s not too much formula and it goes in my breast milk so it’s no biggie.

I will see if I can talk to a lactation consultant tomorrow