My son lost 6 oz of weight between Friday and yesterday despite eating very regularly and having all the diapers needed to be “normal”

@aletia So yes, that could explain some of the weight loss. But overall you are doing a good hob. Babies do loose weight the first two weeks, so don’t be disheartened. Supplement with formula which should help with the weight gain. My baby had jaundice and we did this too, toll she gained back her weight and i got my supply up. And speak with a lactation consultant. We went thrice till we were satisfied
@aletia I am dealing with those same negative thoughts. I can’t produce more than an ounce of milk at a time and it devastates me that I can’t give him enough. We’ve been supplementing formula since he was three days old. I promise you are providing exactly what your baby needs, he’s being fed and that’s what matters. You are a wonderful mother and you’re doing everything to care for your baby. You’ve got this! Stay positive, mama.
@kristen777 Thank you! It’s hard when it comes to hair specially when feeding him is most important and it’s hard when your body isn’t doing what you had hoped for your baby. Especially the way I love him (I knew I would but omg it’s so much more than I ever imagined) and I would do anything for him and it’s frustrating but we will get through. I’m really excited Nina. Few months for him to get to the solid food stage because I am planning to make my own baby food for him 🥹
@aletia This happened to my son, too. I did supplement with formula for a few days, but I also started drinking loads of coconut milk and my milk got so fatty. He gained very quickly. Someone suggested it to me that it worked for her, it worked for me, and is working for my SIL who just had twins. Anecdotal, sure, but maybe worth a shot. Good luck!
@thuyhien Hi! Thanks for this comment... I'm in the same boat and willing to give anything a try, but I have some questions?

Were you just drinking like the canned coconut milk and how much per day?

And did you notice any drastic weight gain yourself?
@asdresearch I bought powdered coconut milk and mixed it in, well, everything I could lol. I had a smoothie in the morning, put it in my coffee, if I was eating something that could stand some coconut flavor, mocktails with orange and pineapple juice…wherever I could get some in. I didn’t really measure.

I didn’t gain any weight, but I also stopped losing. I have no idea if those things were related, they just happened at the same time.
@thuyhien Interesting... That sounds much better than me over here planning on drinking 4 cans of coconut milk through a straw... 🫠

I'm gonna give that a try, thank you!
@aletia I would suggest speaking to a lactation consultant. Not trying to discredit your doctor but they do not specialize in lactation. Even though you get an ounce after a feed doesn't mean your son is effectively removing milk from the breast. He's only 2 weeks old and you both are still finding your groove. I would follow advice of topping up so that you can ensure he is getting enough, nonetheless. I was topping up after every feed at one point as well. Also, wet/dirty diapers is not always a good indicator that baby is eating well, I learned that early on too. Good luck, mama ❤️
@aletia Weight checks should only be done periodically, no less than 1 week apart because babies have a lot of day to day variation. It could have been a combination of poop or not poop, having fed or not, growth spurt, etc.
@aletia I'm so sorry. It's so hard to not have your breastfeeding experience align with what you want or envision. I hope you're able to work through these feelings and keep ahold of what's important - he's healthy and you are making sure he's fed.
@aletia Hi! This EXACT thing happened to me and it sent me on a spiral of being extremely obsessed with her weight I’m still crawling out of today (she’s almost 4 months). We finally landed on some combination of scale error, normal variations having a big effect (e.g. one before poop and one after), and some actual weight loss. In the end I’m glad it happened because it may have prevented a bad outcome, but god it was an awful few weeks.

I have no real advice but encourage you to take a breath. Baby is ok. Weight fluctuates and there’s so many factors that go into it. You have more data now about what’s needed and you’re responding exactly right because you love your baby and you’re a great mom! I won’t go into our whole BF/pumping journey because I’m supposed to be working but I will say now at 4 months she breastfeeds and takes bottles like a champ and is ahead on all her milestones! Breastfeeding is hard for babies but it does often improve as they get bigger and stronger, you just have to hold on!
@aletia You are doing a great job feeding baby. My son was slow to gain initially, he didn’t get back up to birth weight until almost a month old, which is rare! Your milk is still finding what works best for baby so keep up what you’re doing until it regulates. Go ahead and add a scoop or two of formula in his bottle and soon you will probably be able to go off of the formula. But if it works and you like it you can keep doing it! I discovered I liked combo feeding personally, but I definitely resisted initially (unfortunately it took my son losing lots of weight before I relented)

You’re doing great. Your milk will likely get fattier in the next few weeks
@ajh40 Thank you! Ya I had a little breakdown when we got home that I had to add formula but honestly the doctor seems to think it will need to be continued until he can eat solid food. I don’t mind now, just had to take a moment
@aletia Was this the first weight at the doctor?
Are you comparing the weight between the weight at home and the doctor’s office?
Are you still using the nipple shield?