Cloth diapering newborn

@mauriciosr I have found prefolds to be super bulky on my newborn (he is 10lbs now) but they are easier to wash and dry, plus they’re great for cleaning up messes (he pees everywhere when I change him lol).

I have 5 newborn size pocket diapers and they are awesome- I didn’t find a need to stuff them because the microfiber was absorbent enough but he went through them so fast and then by 6 weeks old he’d grown out of them. So if you go that route I would recommend buying them used so they aren’t such a big investment. Supposedly the regular sized Nora’s nursery diapers can be buttoned down to newborn size but I’m still finding them way to bulky to use yet. Hope that helps!
@mauriciosr Yes absolutely. The link I shared with you for green mountain diapers has the cloth eeze prefolds in newborn, size 1,2 and 3. We are using medium ones for my 7month old.

Their website also has a new to cloth diaper quiz you can take and it'll recommend the best kits for you .

My husband was completely on the fence about cloth diapering too but he came around.

It is really nice to have a variety of different options for different situations.

ETA: I did buy our grovia diapers second hand and they're great. The family who had them before me used them on two babies for two years and they held up amazingly.

With second hand diapers you have to strip and sanitize them for obvious reasons. I didn't know that when I bought them and bubs had a bad reaction to whatever was used to clean them.
@meki I just checked out the link and kinda am loving the idea of perfolds more than I thought so thank you again! How did you get over the learning curve? I think my fear is that I will be extremely overwhelmed as a first time mom and the throws of postpartum but I am willing to try!
@mauriciosr Honestly I just went with it. I didn't watch a bunch of YouTube or read a bunch of books. I just said I want to use cloth diapers. I asked my friend about wash routines and I came to this subreddit.

This community here is really amazing and helpful. Almost everything I've learned has been trial and error and the help of this community.

Also being okay with having a certain type of diaper fail.
Like if youre having leaks, dont give up, try something else.

It's been really helpful being able to troubleshoot. My son is a massively heavy wetter overnight. I played around with a few different things and finally have an effect night set up so I don't have to change him in the middle of the night anymore.

Being able to do this is why I started with a small collection of alva baby. They're inexpensive.

Once we got through the initial hurdle of getting used to cloth, I was able to branch out and try different options. Now I have a pretty good setup and stash. That honestly hasn't cost me more than $400.

And to be completely honest we didn't use cloth right out of the gate. We started with disposable. I wanted to do cloth but hubby was against it until he saw the amount of waste and the amount of money that we were spending on diapers.
@meki Thank you so much you’ve been so so helpful and from the little I’ve looked into about profiles and covers I’m sold! Now to get my husband on board lol, definitely will be utilizing the sub it’s already been so incredibly helpful
@mauriciosr Awesome!! GMD is amazing. I ordered my first "try it" kit and received it in three days. Their customer service lady or owner Karen is outstanding. Best of luck!

Also if you have any questions once your baby arrives you can always save this thread and private message me! Im happy to help you navigate if I can