My little secret ;)


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Wanna hear a confession? My 2 month old always falls asleep on the way home from dropping off sister at school. When I make it back home, I leave him in his carseat, bring him in the house and use that time to drink my coffee and browse reddit. It's not much, but boy does it make me feel like a human, getting to leisurely sip my coffee instead of chugging it down.

P.s. sometimes I use this time to snuggle my dog, who has missed the one on one time.
@peacewithin I did this when mine were little. When they were young enough that the risk of their head leaning forward and risking suffocation was still present, I'd tilt the seat backward so the baby was lying down flatter and prop it with something under the foot end of it, if that makes sense.
@peacewithin I switched to ice coffee just so I could actually finish it. Otherwise, there’s abandoned coffee cups left laying around because I’ll get interrupted.

Good for you for carving out time for yourself!
@peacewithin I’m guilty of sitting in the driveway and watching an entire 30 min long show with my coffee if my child falls asleep in the car seat.

You have to find your own time when you can!
@peacewithin I did this with both my kids. If they were asleep in their car seats, I brought it inside and let them sleep. Once, my youngest son was asleep in his car seat late at night on the way home from a vacation. I brought it inside, and didn't wake him. He slept all night long in the car seat, and I fell asleep on the couch. He was next to me, on the floor, and I figured he'd wake up in an hour or so. Nope, little dude slept over 6 hours (probably 8 including the time in the car) and I woke up happier than I had in a long ass time.

Ahh, the memories....