My cousin refers to her 4 m/o son as her boyfriend

@lpapolczy What culture is she from? I’ve known some to say things like that (usually mom, aunts or grandmothers). It’s very weird looking through a US/western lens, but it’s totally harmless to them.
@lpapolczy I'm a millennial mom and all (Granted daughters, but still) I would never ever refer to my kids as that, that's just weird and icky.

Like "Hey look at my handsome lil guy"? Not a problem at all. "Look at my handsome bf, way cuter than hubby/dad" is just nauseating as hell
@lpapolczy Eww, no. not at all normal. in any culture, in any world, in any time, in any parallel universe.

it's cringy, and eww and destructive to their relationship.

I remember I scoldded my sister for "jokingly" telling us her 3 y.o daughter is now her "new best friend": like dude heil NO ! don't dump whatever emotional struglles you have on your child .

yes it is emotional incest.