My baby is obsessed with watching me eat

@antnf8900 We actually started our baby on solids at 4 months (per our pediatrician's approval) because this was a sign that our daughter was ready to eat solids. She would literally just sit there and stare at us eating, to the point that my husband and I hated eating around her because we felt so bad!

She still does it now, at 7 months old. I usually wait to eat until after I had just fed her, and she'll still just stare at me eating. She'll even lick her lips at me, like oh my gosh stop making me feel bad please! Once while she was playing on the floor quietly, I thought she wasn't paying attention to me so I took the opportunity to snack on some cheez-its, and as soon as she heard the crinkle of the bag, her little head popped up and she stared at me eating! Can't wait until we can share food so I don't have to feel so bad 😆

ETA: Also wanted to add that when she was 3 months, I accidentally dropped a little bit of chocolate ice cream on my shirt without noticing and while holding LO. Looked down to see a giant wet spot and a little brown stain where the ice cream had been. She sucked the ice cream right off my shirt!! I felt a little bad about it but that might have been the start of her love for real food!
@antnf8900 Mine is like this with cups! She is obsessed and will try to grab anything you're drinking even though she's breastfed. Today she made a big "ahhh" like she just took a sip of a poolside margarita and swallowed even though the cup was empty 😂
@antnf8900 Mine does this too! We've given him a couple tastes of food (well, okay, I mashed a blueberry and he loved it and then he licked a triscuit I was trying to eat and loved that too) but haven't officially started solids yet. We are in a couple of weeks. Fingers crossed it means they'll love food!

Edit to add: my little guy has become obsessed with drinks. He likes to hold bottles and chew on them and lick the condensation on the sides of them and cups. He actually fusses and cries till he gets the bottle I'm drinking out of now!
@christianlinkuk How cute! I'm going back to work soon and our son isn't a big fan of bottles (he exclusively breastfeeds) so we're planning to try him with open cup feeding hoping he'll take to it since he's been so big on cups and bottles lately. I ordered an ezpz tiny cup for him. Hopefully he's as excited about it as our own cups and bottles! Would definitely make it easier for my husband to feed baby lol.
@winterymixx We keep an empty water bottle (or one with just a bit of water left in it) around for this reason! Also because it's crunchy and the sound fascinates him. And we keep one in the car because he hates the car, but loves his crunchy water bottle.
@antnf8900 Our four month old did the same. We started him on a bit of solids (oat cereal and Avocado). He loved it but went on a nursing strike. So now we eat our food away from his prying eyes.
@antnf8900 Lol my daughter did this at 5 months. I was eating salad and she followed it with her head and but my shoulder Lol. So we started solids, she did really well with it, she gets so excited she giggles at it while we feed her.
@antnf8900 My 4 month old does the same thing!! It’s so cute watching him gaze at me and my partner while we eat. When he’s on my lap he really likes trying to reach for my fork as well, hopefully we’ll start solids with him soon :)
@antnf8900 Mine did that around the same time, then she started reaching for my coffee cup and food! Now ( 6 months) she makes the eating noise and chews at me whenever I eat. I think it's her going 'look mom! I can do it to, wanna give me some?!'. I caved from the cuteness and decided to try starting solids at 5.5 months and she loves sitting in her chair and eating! Always giggles when I give her peas or mix her food.