My 4 year old just put my 2 year old down for a nap AMA

@guynad My almost 6 year old is still in the helping phase. He helped us move storage units this morning after he blew all the grass for us when we mowed.
@brower Lucky. My 6yo was super excited to help with the new baby but once she tried and realized they don't sit still like her dolls she went back to her dolls.
@guynad The only problem with this phase is that I have to do dishes on my 4 year olds time when I would much rather procrastinate! Darn kids making me better!
@dogwoodtree I have the opposite. I now have to sneak and do laundry, otherwise my kid will have a meltdown if he didn’t get to help and finds out I did it on my own.
@dogwoodtree My 4yr old does this too! I wanna let the dishes sit another day and it's "no mom we need to wash them now!" And what would take me 15mins now takes 30+ with her helping lol.
@guynad My toddler went through that phase when she was around 18 months old. Unfortunately she wanted to help tidy up but she didn't know where things belonged. A very expensive silver rattle ended up in the recycling bin... twice.
@guynad Nah, she'll be going to Oxford. Family tradition. ;-)

(Also, as a matter of principle, I disapprove of institutions which sell admissions offers.)
@nelsemacio Reminds me of the SAT prep book I read back in high school...

One of the authors said they got a 1742 (out of 1600) on the SAT, because their family had been going to Yale since 1742.
@guynad Heh, not that long a tradition. My parents met in Oxford and then I went there for my doctorate, but it's only two generations so far. Still, I'd like to see a third generation follow us there. Oxford doesn't have any sort of preferential admission for children of alumni but I have every confidence that she'll be able to get in on her own merits.