Mostly venting


New member
I realized yesterday that my baby hasn’t been getting much when he latches. For the past several days I’d been pretty much exclusively breastfeeding instead of bottle feeding pumped milk like I had been and he’d been acting ravenous and cluster feeding. We did two weighted feeds yesterday and he’d hardly taken in anything, so today we’ve gone back to letting him latch a bit but still giving bottles. He hadn’t been pooping every day for the past two weeks but today he’s pooped 4 times, almost like he’s finally got enough in his belly to produce poop. It’s not a supply issue, as I’m pumping enough to feed him bottles, he’s just bad at latching I think? I’m gonna call a lactation consultant in the morning, I just needed to complain. I’m feeling very frustrated and discouraged, I thought we finally had it down 😫
@ljmyers I’ve been pumping almost since the beginning but trying to put her to breast too. Around 3 months we tried nursing one day and she did it with seemingly no issues. I was so excited and thought we might be able to finally nurse. She did a few feedings that day and I skipped those pumps but she was always hungry and it seemed like she wasn’t actually transferring anything and then I got a terrible clogged duct from not removing enough milk I guess. I gave up and have been back to EPing since then. It’s so hard when there’s seemingly no issue for a poor latch/poor milk transfer!